Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Assumptions: Making an ASS out of You and Me

(copied from my almost-private myspace blog)

So, I just so happened to go to Starbucks this morning after working a night shift.. I ordered a chonga bagel and relaxed on a comfy chair... I ended up falling asleep on that chair, and when I woke up I noticed that there were two five-dollar bills underneath one of the bags I had brought in with me... I didn't have any fives on me--I usually use my debit card for everything. I think someone assumed that I was homeless, or broke and incapable of getting myself home, when really it was just that I had a few hours to waste b(coefore having to go to petco to work.. Now I have ten dollars in cash, and I need to think hard about what I'm going to donate it to.. Obviously I'm chosing something involving creatures who are homeless.. I'm thinking about getting food for an animal shelter.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Why are the birds chirping?

It's not even six a.m. yet! I don't think the sun has even came out either.

What weirdos, the birds.

I can't sleep. I'm pretty sure I know why. I'd share what it is with you, but I don't think you'd approve so we'll skip it.

I've noticed I really like to write when I feel tired but can't sleep. I wrote a song. ha.

I'm hungry, I want some blueberries, and a second job!


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

No one reads this thing anymore

Probably because everyone has finally realized that my life is boring, so I can't possibly have anything to blog about that could be considered "NEATO!"


I see a few of my bffs (they don't consider me to be theirs, but they sure as heck are mine!) on Thursday night! I'm stoked!

Then, then, THEN, on Friday, I get to meet Meg and Ryne IRL! Oh, and I'm also seeing Relient K, I suppose.


I'm tired. Sleepytime she comes.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I have a new thing that I'm gonna start trying out.

I'm going to be nice to everyone. I've noticed I can kinda be a bitch to the people I don't care too much for, and then to other people I'm over-the-top nice. I decided I want to be nice to everyone, even the people who are being mean to me. This means that I'm also going to attempt to like everyone. I know it's gonna be tough, but I feel like it might be worth it. Wish me luck? Or even better, try it with me!


Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I've come to realize that I use myspace bulletins/facebook notes the way most people use their blogs.

So, I decided that I'm going to start using my blog again, instead of bulletins. That way the people that actually want to read what I have to say can still read my thoughts, and the people that don't give a fuck won't have to be bothered anymore!

....I'm gonna post a bulletin just to let people know. Just this one time.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

This Will Be My Blog

Cause its' my blog, and I do what I want

[1] Three​ names​ you go by?
Brittany, Brito, Brit

[2] Three​ thing​s u are weari​n ?
skin, nail polish, contacts

[3] Are you in a relat​ionsh​ip?​​​

[4] Have you ever been given​ a rose?​​​

[5] Have you ever licke​d a photo​?​​​
yes haha

[6] Have you ever been in love?​​​

[7] Do you belie​ve that every​one has a soul-​​​mate?​​​
Not really, I think there are many different possible mates for every person

[8] What'​​​s your curre​nt probl​em?​​​

[11] Are you a loser​?​

[12] How many kids do you want to have?​​​
one or two

[13] What is/​​​are your favor​ite color​s?​​​
orange and yellow

[15] Have you ever found​ it hard to tell anyon​e you like them?​​​

[​16]​​ Imagi​ne you'​​​re 40 and your spous​e just died would​ you get re-​​​marri​ed?​​​

[17] At what age did you start​ notic​ing the oppos​ite sex.

preschool. Early, I know!

[18] What song do you want playe​d at your weddi​n?​
my weddin? I dont' care.

[19] Do you like anyon​e?​​​
I thought I did. I don't think I do though.

[20] Do you think​ the perso​n you like likes​ you?

[21] Have you ever writt​en a love song?

[22] Do you want to get marri​ed?​​​
I guess

Monday, November 17, 2008