Friday, February 22, 2008

Blog on blogging

I'm am a horrible blogger. Don't act like you didn't know. I can never seem to blog the right way. You didn't know there was a correct way to blog, did you? Well believe me, there's a right way and there's a wrong way. Most people who blog don't know this because they are natural born bloggers. They've never had trouble with knowing what to post about. Well I'm not that way, there's never anything for me to blog about. I'm surprised I've even had one blog comment actually..

Nothing I write is ever worth reading.
Nothing I say is ever worth actually listening to.
but for some reason I keep on typing, and I keep on talking too.
Even I don't get this, I just know what I do.

I am a boring person with few friends, and no life.

Blogs were not intended to be used by the people like me.