Thursday, May 8, 2008

My weeks are so repetitive

which is why I usually don't blog.

Who wants to read the same thing over and over again? Not me.

This week was different. There have been a few strange and very random things to happen, which makes this week different from all the other ones in my opinion. So I think I'm gonna actually blog about them..

About a week ago my I decided I should start taking my dogs for walks again because I'm approaching obesity and I need to prevent that from happening. While me and the home dogs were walking back home the other day, a bunny ran ahead of us and dove into the bushes.. It was cute. I want a bunny..

Then yesterday while walking the dogs again, I was in a great mood, and I kept singing along to the songs on my ipod without worrying of someone else walking by hearing me, I also kept randomly hopping, skipping, etc... it seemed like every time I would do something stupid I'd turn around and see a car behind me.. Perfect timing, right? Whenever I wasn't doing anything that made me look like I was retarded there would be no cars, go figure.

Today when I got on a bus, a man or woman (not sure which one of them actually did it) accidentally spilled a can of beer all over the floor, it reeked! It filled the entire bus with the stench of cheap beer. They cleaned it up as much as they could with napkins, but all it really did was prevent my shoes from soaking up the beer.. The smell was still as strong as it was when it first spilled. I was certain that I would have the distinct smell of beer on me for the rest of the day. Luckily I didn't.. At the time, I was tempted to pour my vitamin water on the ground to counteract the nasty smell.. It's simple math really; if you mix a very good smell with a very bad smell odds are you'll get a neutral smell.. I didn't want to waste my yummy beverage though, so I just dealt with the smell for an hour or so until I got to school..

My computer broke at most a week ago.. It just wouldn't turn on, no matter what I did, but for some reason I didn't get all upset like I usually do. I knew it would come back to me eventually, it's done what it was doing a few times before and eventually it'd work fine for me again.. I figured out why today.. I was starting to get fed up with waiting for it to heal itself, so I took it apart and while observing its' intestines I noticed there was an unbearable amount of dust in it, so I cleaned out as much of it as I could, then decided to go plug it in and see what would happen.. It turned on! I did that a few months ago too when it had this problem, but I didn't think it was actually me who fixed it, I figured it was good timing or something.. But I guess I did fix it last time. Awesome.

Well, while my computer was down, and since Candis had a falling out with the family, I took it upon myself to claim ownership over her computer since she obviously wasn't here to properly turn the power on, and put it in hibernate mode, and browse the internet and all that junk.. A computer has needs. Without these things there's no possible way for them to survive. I think what I was doing for her was a favor, I wasn't just taking advantage of her being gone.. I found out today that she's actually coming back home tonight at 10, which had me a bit frightened cause then I'd be down another computer and I'd have no one elses to take (care of). That news is actually what motivated me to take apart my computer. Hallelujah.

Candis's computer wasn't the only thing I claimed this week. Daniel left about four days ago and he doesn't return until the 10th, he went on a road trip to CA with his buddies since he leaves in a week or two for the National Guard. I took his bed cause I can't stand sharing a room with Trent, he's the smelliest kid in the world, I tell you.. It kills me. I can barely breathe when he's in the same room as me.. He has gas issues and sweating issues and bathing issues.. It's horrible, you should feel bad for me, it really does kill me. At about 11 or so a few nights ago, I walked in my room (which is also trents room if you didn't get that the first time..) and I nearly screamed. It smelled HORRIBLE (worse than the bus this morning.. way worse) I held my breathe while I was in there and decided there was no way I was gonna deal with this all night while there was a perfectly good bed and television just outside my room that I could take..So I grabbed my blanket, stuffed animal, and pillow and put them on Daniels bed, and that has where I have slept for the past two nights. I will be sleeping there until Daniel returns.. Truth be told, I can barely wait until he's gone.. I am taking his bed and television and whatever else I want.. Of course I hope nothing bad happens while he's serving in the NG, I just hope he does his time there and doesn't come home within the next year, it's peaceful with him gone.. now all we need to do is give Candis the boot and things should be divine around here.. Less fighting between the guardians, less sibling rivalry, less people to take up space in the house. It has been great this week since Candis and Daniel have both been gone at the same time, that kind of thing never, and I mean NEVER happens.. It breaks my little heart to know that they'll both be back in a few days. They are the main conflict in the house.

ha. Great week.