Who is this man that I speak so highly of?
This is one person that I will not hate even if he is in fact, a total ass. I hear that he does not like to sign things, or take pictures, but I'm gonna try to get something out of him anyway. haha if he says no though, I'm not gonna keep asking. That's just tacky, and desperate.
I'm so excited for this. Never in my life did I think I'd get a chance to meet him, and now I will.. AWESOME!
Also, Kevin Devine is gonna be at the show. (It's a Jesse Lacey/Kevin Devine tour) I really like this guy, too. Just not like I like Jesse. haha
I've recently started to fall hard for his music. It is pretty great stuff. My current favorite of his would have to be "Just Stay." And if he doesn't play it at the show, that may be the exact opposite of what I'll be doing.
This show is going to be amazing. I'm sure I'll blog about the show after it happens. So stay tuned, k? :)