Friday, October 24, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I Found Nemo

Today technically wasn't supposed to be my workday,
but because Andrew was sick and called in for the week, I've gotten to take most of his shifts.. Including today from 8-4.

So, since Andrew was supposed to be here today, and I took his spot; I was put in aquatics for the first time. fun stuff! I learned a bunch about what goes on over there. It's like a completely different environment, being in the back of the store, instead of the front. It's kinda cool. Plus, because I don't have to be at the register 24/7, I can walk around, and go pee whenever I need to. I'm free. I don't feel like restricted. If that makes any sense..

Yesterday was awesome, even though I was at the register most of the time. It was mainly a good day because I was allowed to do more than usual with animals. Before I had clocked on Joe saw me staring at the turtles so he had me hold a few of them.. I was really excited like a little kid would be.. Animals do that to me sometimes.. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to take them out on my own before yesterday.. So today I kept grabbing them out whenever I got bored. Oh, and for about two hours yesterday, I had Sebastian (the conure I have a picture with on myspace) on my shoulder while working at the register and while putting stuff up on the shelves.. Hes great.. Except when he started getting bored/cranky and bit my finger hard. That hurt, and it bled. Now I have bird-bites on both hands. haha

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

It's Been A Week

I think I should post about something..

Hmm.. Well, work, ugh, I'm a little upset about work. For the past two weeks I haven't been scheduled to work even 20 hours each week. and I was scheduled next week to only work 18 hours, too. I was pretty bummed about that. I was planning on talking to the General Manager, Darrell, about getting more hours. But guess what? He's on vacation. Of course... Just my luck. But yesterday after I had already checked my schedule, Janelle, the Assistant Manager (who reminds me freakishly of Shannon) came up to me and started to say, "would you want to come in next week..." I interuppted and said "Yes. I want hours. I'll take it." Janelle: "Oh, ok, that's great! I'll remember that." then she told me what day she needed me and blah blah blah.

So hopefully now I'll start getting more hours. I need more hours. I'm gonna start saving up so I can get myself a car. Then maybe a phone on my own line, then either a new computer or apartment. haha it's good to have goals.

I've been sick for at least a week now. It's horrible, my throat is always full of nastiness, same with my nose. I thought it'd be over with by now, but nope, it's not! Two days ago, while at work, it became worse than it had been for the entire week. I had like a line of three customers in line, and all of a sudden, I couldn't breathe. like I had to focus on breathing to get anything in. and then I like started crying. Well, it was me,but it wasn't me? I didn't mean to start crying, it just happened. and it wasn't because I was scared or in pain, it was just cause I wasn't breathing. And of course when that was happening, all the people in line were assholes expecting me to continue to work even though they could see I was having a lot of trouble. WHATEVER.

Eventually it went away.. And after that, it wasn't nearly as bad. I wasn't going to ask to go home. I need the hours. Plus working when you feel your worst shows that you're dedicated to your job.. At least I think so.

Um, I'm a little upset with my bank at the moment.
APPARENTLY, I left my ID there over a week ago, and I didn't know where I had lost it. I had waited almost a week for it to show up, and nothing. so I decided to go to the dmv and get a new one for 15 dollars because I need one really soon for something that's NONAYOBUSINESS. and OF COURSE, the day after I pay 15 dollars for a new id, the bank calls home and says I left my id there. Why the fuck did they wait so long to call. Waste of fifteen dollars.

Here's a picture of a rose in my front yard.


Friday, October 3, 2008

I got caught on blogspot

Gee, thanks for tagging me, Melanie.
You should know by now that there's nothing interesting about me.
No quirks.

But I'm gonna try to come up with stuff.

Here are the rules:
1. Link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules on your blog.
3. Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them.
5. Leave a comment for each tagged blogger to let them know they've been tagged.

My 6 Quirks... I think these are quirks?

1. I loveeeee COLD diet coke and bottled water.

2. I hiccup daily.

3. I act differently around different people. I have completely different personalities.

4. sometimes I think it's funny to piss people off..

5. A lot of times when I'm bored, I'll pretend to play The Office on piano with my right hand on hard surfaces.. If you've seen Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium, then you may just know what I'm talking about.

6. I make music in my head a lot, especially when I'm trying to sleep at night.

now I need six people to nominate.. oh dear..

1. Nina
2. ANN (ps. annaroo. I hope I'm not the one on your blog who's annoying you.)

guys, if you dont' want to do this, don't do this.

Now I have to go search the internet so i can find all your urlz.

(it took me a little over a day to come up with six quirks of mine. that's why it says I posted this yesterday.. I started working on it yesterday at whatever time this blog says..)