Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I Was So Excited

I Mean, I Was Literally Trembling When The Clock Was Nearing 4:00.

I Can't Believe This Happened, I Would've Never Expected This To Be Probable.

I Have Two Favorite Bands, Not One, But Two, Their Names Are Relient K (I Saw Them In April, Best Day Of My Life Easily.), And Taking Back Sunday. Taking Back Sunday Is Doing A Tour Called Projekt Revolution, When They First Announced Dates, I Was Miserable, There Was No Washington On The List Anywhere. Then, About 1-2 Weeks Ago They Announced Washington As Their First Date Of The Tour! I Was Excited Like No Other, I Mean When They Didn't Announce Washington I Literally Commented Them At LEAST 100 Different Times In 2 Weeks Concerning Them Not Going To Washington. I Was Thrilled, They Announced Presale Tickets Would Be Today, At 4:00. I Had Been Counting Down The Days Until It Finally Came. At 3:57 I Came Rushing Up The Stairs So I Could Sign On Ticketmaster And Get My Durn Tickets! I Needed Tanya To Do The Money Stuff, But She Was On The Phone. I Had To Wait 15 Minutes, Then When She Got Off She Tried Convincing Me Out Of The $70.00 Pit Tickets And Into The $20.00 Grass Field Tickets, I Declined Politely. I Wanted To Get As Possibly Close As I Could! I'm Only Going For TBS, No One Else... We Got Three Tickets, She Decided That She Wasn't Going To Let Me And Katrina Go Alone So She's Going With Us (Boooo) Which I Wasn't Too Thrilled About. $300 Dollars Later, We Finally Got The Tickets. And I Was Somewhat Happy (Thrilled For The Concert, Not So Ecstatic For Her Coming Along..) So I Went Back To My Room, And Decided To Get Back To Myspace. About 30 Minutes Ago I Decided To Check The Relient K Blog And Stuff Just In Case They Posted Something New (They Didn't) Then I Remembered Jon S. Had Said To Keep Checking The Tour Blog, So I Went There, Scrolled Down, And What Do I See, George Amphitheater, July 25 I Screamed On The Very Top Of My Lungs And Tried Desperately To Find An Error, There Was None. I Ran Upstairs Told Candis, She Laughed, But Felt Somewhat Bad (By The Way, July 25th Is HER Birthday..) The Funny Thing Is I Had Checked Yesterday On The Tour Thing, At Least I Think I Did, And There Was NOOO Washington. But There It Was Now, I Couldn't Believe It.. I Can't Go To The Relient K Concert, I Already Bought The TBS Tickets... I Really Wanted To Go To The Next WA Rk Tickets, I Assumed They'd Be Coming Back, I Had Even Made A List 2 Days Ago With The Things I Would Buy My 5 Favorite Guys If They Come To Washington, I Even Hung It Up In Front Of My Computer, I Can See It While Still Looking At My Computer Screen.. Earlier, I Had Told Myself That The Next Time Relient K Came To Washington I Would Go, And I WOULD Meet Them, And It Would Be Fantastic. Turns Out I'm A Liar, Even To Myself.... I Did Cry A Little Bit, This Is Something I Never Would've Thought To Be Possible. Apparently Impossible Is Nothing, And I Didn't Get The Memo. I Feel Guilty, I Don't Know.. Should I Be Feeling Guilty That I Didn't Check Their Tour Blog Earlier Today?

Words Cannot Express The Remorse And Sorrow I Feel, At Least My Words Can't.

If You Read This All The Way Through, You Are Incredibly, Incredibly Something..... Or You've Had One Too Many Cups Of Coffee; My Stories Could Put The Most Energetic Child To Sleep For The Night. It Just So Happens I Am THE Worst Writer I Know.

I Probably Forgot To Write Something Important Down, I Usually Do, But I Don't Know What It Is So........... I'm Going To Push Post Now..



Brittany said...

I Realized What I Forgot To Say...

The TBS Concert Is July 25th.

Tamara said...

Sorry, this may sound creepy haha
but I went and checked schneck's blog
(like I do at least 5 times a day lol)
and I saw that you posted a comment
saying that RK made you cry...
so me jumping to extreme conclusions
thought that they announced that they
were breaking up or something...
so i went to you page, and then to
your blog to see if you said anything
about it.
and I found this, so I'm assuming
that this is why you were crying haha

that truly truly truly sucks!
I know if it was me, I would say
screw the $70 for TBS, I'll go see
Relient K
but that is because RK is my
favourite band of all time, and
I have never heard TBS

this is an extremely long comment...
well from one relient k obsessive
to another... that sucks a lot!

Jenna Lea said...

Ah Man! That stinks! BUT, you do get to see one of your fav. bands. Maybe by the time you make enough money you can still get tickets. I might try to make a RK concert for you and tell them, "My friend Brittany Everett REALLY loves you guys so you need to visit Washington again. OR you could all come eat at my house and Brittany can come too!!!" I think that's a awesome idea. u? heehee.

I also think(when you go)you need to send me some TBS pictures and stories even though I don't really know who they are. You're cool!

Jenna Lea said...

oh yeah... what does oy veigh mean?

Brittany said...

To Tamara, It's Not Creepy, I Do The Same Thing.. :D And I Paid 300, Not 70. :/

And To Jenna; It Means Like Oh My Gosh, Oh My Goodness Etc..

Brittany said...

I Found Out That Creation West Is A Three Day Festival, And My Sister Candis Was Planning On Going With Her Friends Family, She's Gonna Try To Convince Her Mom To Let Me Go.. But It Is Possible That I Miss Relient K Because They Might Be On Early The First Day, And I Can't Make It Early...

Tamara said...

oh wow really??
So you had to pay for the
other people's tickets too?

Brittany said...

Yeah, Because I'm The Only One That Wants To Go, And I Know Of No One Who'd Loves TBS Enough To Pay Their Part, So Yeah... :/

Tamara said...

oh wow! that's expensive!
but then again I was going to
pay to fly to Vancouver to see
a Relient K concert, but my parents
ended up paying because I was doing
really well in school.
but ya, I would pay $300 to see
Relient K haha

Brittany said...

HaHa Yeah, They're The Bestest.. Which Is Why I Cried..

I Was Talking To One Of Matt T's Neighbors (It Seems Stalkerish, But It's Not!!!) And He's Gonna Tell Matt I Said Hi, I'm Excited!

Speaking Of Matt, I Messaged Both Matt T And Matt H On Myspace. And I Commented John W. Earlier..

Tamara said...

ya I probably would have cried too
if that happened to me!

haha that is awesome!! do you live
near where he lives or something?
I so would have done the same thing
and would have been completely
excited about it!!

really? that's awesome
I've emailed matt t, but he never
emailed back, which is fine though
because he probably gets a thousand
bagillion emails a day!
I've emailed schneck quite a few times
and he ALWAYS emails back! he is
so awesome! haha

are you a k-team member by any chance?

Brittany said...

No, I Live In WA.
Matt Lives In Bolivar Ohio..

Jon Schneck Has Only Replied To Me Once, But I've Only Emailed Him Three Times...

Yes I Am A K-Team Member :]

Tamara said...

oh, did you email his neighbor or something? you live pretty much as
far from him as I do haha I live in Alberta, Canada

oh really? he's replied everytime
i've emailed, but maybe that's cause
I was asking him questions

Really? Awesome! Do you post on the
message boards? What's your username?
I'm TamaraRK

Brittany said...

I Have The Same Username As I Do On Here..

Brit0tany4 :]

Jenna Lea said...

You got to meet his neighbor! I'm thinking I should have gottten the story on this. That is so cool! Next time you see him you gotta say Jenna says hi too!

Brittany said...

I Didn't Meet Him, It Was On Myspace, I Noticed He Commented Matt So I Asked If He Knew Him, Then He Said He Lived Down The Road, Went To High School With His Sister, And Does Work For Matt's Dad A Lot..

Tamara said...

cool about kteam haha
do you ever go on the messageboards?

That's so cool, I wish I was
Matt T's neighbor!!!

Brittany said...

I Don't Go On Too Much Actually..

It's Most Likely Because I'm Ashamed At The Amount Of Points I Have Compared To The Other People..

I Should Go On Though... :]

Tamara said...

haha ya, I have like no points
but the person who runs the website
hasnt been on for sooo long,
so the points are pretty much
pointless haha
but ya, you should go on
I didnt go on that much until
I started writing on the message
board, there are some super
nice people on there!

Have you seen the best thing video?
sooooo good!

Jenna Lea said...

so I think you should tell him that Jenna says hi too. :)

Jenna wants to be a Kteam member. Does it cost anything? I'm cheap!

Tamara said...

And that Tamara says hi too!!

K-team doesn't cost anything
just go to relientk.com
and under the main menu
there is a smaller menu thingy
(at the top) that has links for
myspace and stuff, well there
is a link for K-team there
and you just sign up...
it's quite the party!

Jenna Lea said...

Thanks Tamera! You're awesome!

Jenna Lea said...

I mean Tamara. I know a tamera ao if i sp your name wrong i'm sry.

Tamara said...

haha no problem jenna!
did you make an account?
what is your username?

Brittany said...

HaHa Sweetness!

There's A Side Conversation Happening In My Blog!!


Anonymous said...

I'm actually really upset for you.
If it was me, I'd sell the TBS tickets and buy the RK ones.
But that's because, in my mind, I only have one favourite band. Guess who.

Brittany said...

Heh Yeah, But I Really Think I'll Have A Chance At Meeting Fred, I'm On His Top Friends On Myspace At The Moment...

And I Also Don't Think I Could Sell The Tickets.

Anonymous said...

That's just my personal opinion.
But, hey, I do have a little thing I call my 'America Fund' which may encompass 'Relient K tickets' hopefully sometime in the future.
I would probably cry with happiness if I ever got to see them live.

Brittany said...

They're AMAZING Live, John Warne Was So Flipping Cool, Near The End He Let These Kids Pull A Few Strings On His Bass!!

I Was Mighty Jealous, But At Least He Said Hi To Me On Stage, He Only DId That For A Few People... :]



Anonymous said...

I'm weeping jealous tears

Brittany said...

Ok, So Those Links Did Not Work.. Uhh, I WILL Post Them Though..

Anonymous said...

They worked fine for me.
I highlighted them©&pasted them.
Yay! You linked my blog on yr blog.
I found the link and was like score!
I'll put you on mine

Tamara said...

sorry just randomly jumping in on this conversation!
but ya louize, if you get the
chance you should definitely see
them live! They are incredible!!!
They sound so good live,
and they are super fun!
I really really hope you get the
chance to see them sometime!

Jenna Lea said...

I am a proud Kteam member! I said it on your blog but you know, i gotta shout it out! heehee