Wednesday, July 4, 2007

You're Ever So Kind


I'm Late One Time To Jon's Blog, And I Totally Get Hounded!


I Posted My Reason On JS's Blog.



Melanie said...

Nah, I think everyone was just excited that they beat you to the punch this time. LOL

Maybe you should just try to get on as RK's merch girl. ;)

Jenna Lea said...

Oh! I'lll help if you become RK's merch girl! :) I was just so suprised that I beat you! When you didn't comment for a long time i thought something happend to you. I was acctually got really worried! I love you!
Jenna :)

Brittany said...

RK's Merch Girl?

HaHa What's That?

Tamara said...

I would so join Brit and Jenna as
RK's merch girls!!!!!!!!!!!
(like we would be incharge of their
merch and stuff)
anyways, I love your reason, I wish
I slept till 5, but then again
I'm glad I wasn't up till 8 haha
sorry I'm tired and I don't make
sense, but of course, rather than
sleeping, I am on the computer!

Brittany said...

No I Totally Understand You Tamara..

HaHa :]

Thansk :]

Anonymous said...

Ha, I wanna be a merch girl

Jenna Lea said...

We could all be the merch girls! I'm sure they need 30million. When I went to the RK concert in TX there were only about 3 merch people and 1500 people. It was not so fun waiting in line. It was more like a bunch.

My mom woke me up at 8:30 this morning after we all stayed up really late. Her reason wasn't even good. It was becausse I had to run. blah! I can run anytime of the day! BUT! I had to run with my BIG sister. I don't mean she's large in weight. I mean she's 16! She didn't even want me to really run with her!

Sorry this is so long and probably has a ton of spelling error. I just thought it went together somehow. :D

Anonymous said...

How old are you, Jenna?
&I can't be a merch girl.
I'd have to be in the same country as Relient K first.
Basically.. not happening..

[Yeah, sucks]

Jenna Lea said...

I'm 14. You could be a merch girl if they go to the UK!! :)

Brittany said...

How Do YoU Ask To Be A Merch Girl?

Angela said...

I think you had a very good reason. Sleep is great! expecialy when you go to bed at eight in the morning. =)

Jenna Lea said...

I don't know! You're cool with Jon. Just be like you love me so let me be merch girl. And don't forget about lil 'ol me! :D

Brittany said...


I'm Cool With Jon?



Jenna Lea said...

Sure you are! I painted an RK picture tonight. :D

Brittany said...

Jon Said They Have A Merch Person.. Durn.. :D

Anonymous said...

Relient K in the UK?
Haha, I wish.

Jenna Lea said...

Anything is possible. We gotta think posotively! :)

Anonymous said...

I've been doing that for the past two yrs
Realistically, they're all married/in longterm relationships, they've been around over 10yrs&haven't been to the UK as of yet.
It's unlikely.
Although I'd probably die of happiness if they came to the UK.
I almost died of happiness when self against city released tickets to the UK&I expected them to come here sometime xD

Jenna Lea said...

I'll pray they go to the UK! :D

Anonymous said...

Let's hope that works then xD

Jenna Lea said...

I miss you! Where have you been?