Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Is School Done With Yet?

I keep waiting last minute to do everything.
I can't motivate myself to stay ahead.
This is college, I can't fall behind, I can't fail. I Can't.
And if I do, then what. What'll happen?
Hmm. Well.. I'll Probably be held back a year, that's what will happen.

Oh, when this quarter is over I will officially have all my required credits in order to graduate.
But that doesn't mean I can fail, next quarter. I still have to pass those Civics classes that have to do with volunteer work and senior projects, that is.. if I want to graduate in 2008, anyway.. Make sense... It's a requirement, but not..?
haha uncool.

Want to know what class I dislike, most?

Scratch that, It's an even tie for all of them but one.

And what is the one I actually enjoy getting up early for?

Ok, I'll tell you. It's Guitar.



Nina said...

i wish my school had a guitar class... i'd be in it before someone could say, "Super Schneck To The Rescue!!"

I know what you mean though... I just can't seem to concentrate on ANYTHING lately, and I can't get things done... I just keep pushing them off until it's WAY too late :/

Boo, I say, Boo...

But I think that you're going to pass... You HAVE to, and you WILL :]

And when you do, I will bake you cookies and take a picture of them and send them to you

Jenna Lea said...

i agree with nina.
i hope school gets better because i'm about to kill myself right now.
we have exams this week, but i don't have to take any!!! whoo!
i'm sure you'll do AMAZING!

AE said...

i agree with nina too! man i have this project do this thursday and my bff is coming and then rk concert! oh man i wont concentrate nor feel like doing hw! ahh
school sux!