Monday, December 31, 2007

Feelin very listy..

It must be the whole end of the year thing.
I think we all know what's coming..
A list of my favorite albums of the year.
Last weekish I was talking with Chris, and I realized I only had boughten about 10 albums from a store.. Most music I downloaded Illegally, or from iTunes, I hate iTunes.. This year I really only downloaded specific songs, and not really albums. I bought 16 albums at most, if you include album purchases from iTunes. I'm short on cash. haha. Ok, that wasn't important to say.. Half of the albums I DID buy this year, didn't even come out this year, so I'm gonna pull a Hoopes and just do my favorite albums that I've gotten in 2007. A bunch of albums I did buy weren't even that great, I might add a few at the end of the blog. Along with albums I wish I had. Eh, ok?

Top ten albums of 2007
According to.. me.











1. Brand New - The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me
2. Relient K - Five Score And Seven Years Ago
3. Manchester Orchestra - I'm Like A Virgin Losing A Child
4. Army Of Me - Citizen
5. The Color Fred - Bend To Break
6. Bayside - The Walking Wounded
7. Right Away, Great Captain! - The Bitter End
8. Straylight Run - The Needles, The Space
9. Over It - Step Outside Yourself
10. Dear & The Headlights - Small Steps, Heavy Hooves

Ok, so Brand News cd, I actually got it in 2006, a week before Christmas. But I didn't make a list last year, and I needed to put that album on some list.. :/

I'm Like A Virgin Losing A Child came out in December or November last year, but I didn't get it until this year, so it's gonna be up here, too.

I also didn't get Over It's cd until this year..

a few cds I wanted to put on the list but had no room for:

Dashboard Confessional - Shade Of Poison Trees
Ruth - Secondhand Dreaming
Bright Eyes - Cassadaga
Sherwood - A Different Light

Some cds that I regret buying this year when I could've gotten something else are:

Silver Chair - Young Modern
Norma Jean - Redeemer (it ain't for me, man.)
The Academy Is... - Santi

cds that I wish I had money to buy this year:

Say Anything - In Defense Of The Genre
Mae - Singularity
Jimmy Eat World - Chase This Light
Eisley - Combinations
Minus The Bear - Planet Of Ice
The Dear Hunter - Act II: The Meaning Of, And All Things Regarding Ms. Leading
tons of others, too..

Happy New Year,

I love you,
I think.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I'm gonna send a little rain

to poor down on you.
rain, that makes the flowers bloom.
Rain, to leave you all alone,
to keep eyelashes falling,
and wishes washed away.

I needed a new blog post, so here it is.
I need a haircut. I'll get that done, soon, I hope.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I'm Lion-O

No, no I am not.

I am Snarf.

The past week I've had nothing to do.
I passed all my classes.
I'm on winter/Christmas break so I just hang at home and do nothing.

I've taken an interest in creating videos.

I made one for Matthew Thiessen. Here it is... Enjoy. :D

That is the first video I've ever made, I know it isn't all that good. But I will get better. I will.. :D

Then the past couple days I've been working on one for Dave.

Tell me what you think, please.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I guess the myspacing paid off.


Last night was awful, then incredible, then AMAZING.

Lets start from 8:00 A.M. yesterday.

I got up, took a shower got ready, and got on the computer, hoping my sister and Geneve, her friend were going to get up really soon and get ready... The night before, Tanya said we can't leave the house before 12:00.. I was pretty pissed off about that because I was planning on being there waiting in line by then. I woke Candis up at 10:30 asking when she's getting up and she got all bitchy and was like 'mom said we're not leaving anytime before noon, we're not leaving right at 12, Brittany!' Then she went back to sleep, I went downstairs, sat down, and felt sick to my stomach.. An hour later I went upstairs and Candis was in the shower and Geneve was up on the bed just sitting. I went back to my room, and was a little relieved they were up.. Even though I shouldn't have been, after taking a shower, they hung out in the room, then 30 minutes later went and walked the dogs, then when they got back I asked if they were ready (by then it was 12:30 and I had everything packed in the car except for their two bodies) Candis got all bitchy again and was like
"Oh my gosh, Brittany. Does my hair look ready!" Well honestly, I didn't notice, I never do.. I kept pacing back and forth hoping they'd get ready soon, I was going insane because I had a feeling that I wouldn't be there before everyone.. We finally left at 1:40.. We had to stop at Safeway, on the way there I was reorganizing the stockings I got for the guys, I had boughten them all stockings, but two I had boughten from an online store, and they had JUST came in the mail right before I left. It made it seem like less candy when it was divided into 5 stockings instead of three.. It was A LOT of candy.. Believe me. :) When we got to Safeway Safeway is a grocery store that is all over the state of Washington. It's like an Albertsons., I went to U.S. bank and took out all the money I had on my card.. 15 dollars.. Jeepers that's a lot.. Luckily I had a little over 35 in my purse.. Then I went and checked my starbucks card for Dave, to make sure it was still active.. It was. Then instantly I remembered that I forgot something at home.. I had made them this Christmas tree brownie thing, and left it at home! So I just ended up buying them some Safeway Christmas cookies (I needed to have something to attach the book to). Once I bought the cookies I went to the car and realized I needed tape. So we decided once we got to a gas station in Tacoma I'd go get tape while they filled up on gasoline. We found a gas station and I ran inside.. All those loonies had were duct tape.. Psh, no thank you. We left a minute later and I said I still need tape, we agreed that we'd wait to stop again until we were much closer.. Once we got to about Seattle, Candis had to pee, badly, so we got to Bothell and went to this strange Safeway.. It was made out of bricks, and it had a parking garage.. Strangest thing ever. haha. So I went searching through the isles looking for school supplies and just couldn't seem to find it.. I called Candis and said if she's not in the bathroom anymore she has to come help me find it.. She came up, and right then I found some tape, I told her I needed to pee so I gave her all the money I had to buy the tape for 1.19. Agh, the bathroom was disgusting, I freak out over germs and that bathroom was ewww all over! haha we definitely weren't in the best place of town, I was sure. Once we left, we had trouble finding the freeway, so we stopped at another gas station and got directions.. Sure enough if we had just kept going straight, we would've found it without help, or wasting time. By this time I was freaking out and had almost cried a few times, we still had like 20-25 exits to go, and it was 4:00. Once it was 5, I was even more freaked out because I was supposed to go in an hour early and hang posters up and stuff. We drove up to the arena and my eyes filled with tears. I was late, they had just started letting everyone in, and there were TONSSSSS of people. I was almost balling my eyes out and was like 'I told you, this is why I wanted to go early!' and they were like chill out, we didn't know. Then I said I did, and that's why I wanted them to leave at 12:00. Once we found the arena, we had to find parking.. Of course we had to park far away and I had tons of stuff to carry. Oh by then I had slipped on a costume that I got off of ebay just for this show. It was difficult getting stuff out of the car, one of the bags ripped when I went to grab it.. Luckily all the stuff was in a paper bag, and a plastic bag wrapped the paper bag and the only thing that ripped was the plastic (did I lose you?) So I had to grab one side of the plastic bag handle, then grab the paper bag handle in order to hold it without ripping it more. Ok that wasn't important, but I was worried that I wasn't going to be able to carry it.. I had to put my head on so I could carry my stuff, and it was hard to see. The eyes in my costume are like six inches separated so when I look straight I can see the inside of the costume, I have to look through one eye at a time to see, and it's really hard walking on a street and near people with it on. I kept running into people, curbs, puddles. I almost walked in front of a few cars too. Right when we got across the street from the venue I heard someone call my name, I thought it was Candis because she ditched me and Geneve right when we parked because she had to pee. It wasn't Geneve.. It might've been April and Kelly because they said they had called my name.. Me and Geneve walked across the street and instantly some girl came up and said 'Oh my gosh, can I have a hug' I was like uh... why? 'and she said because I was rudolph and my costume was amazing' oy, miss crazy pants, you are psycho! I told her that I'm not important and I'm just a girl dressed as a reindeer, but she didn't care so I let her hug me.. haha. Me and Geneve couldn't get a hold of Candis and we didn't see her anywhere, so we went and leaned against this brick thing for like 5 minutes.. This guy came up to me and talked to me about my costume, he was working there, haha. and he said "I wonder if they're going to let you in with that.. do you know if they will..?" I didn't know if they would, surprisingly they seemed cool with it.. I went up to them and said I was supposed to be on the guestlist because I was covering the show, and they were like what does that mean? They honestly didn't know. I had only boughten two tickets, so I let Candis and Geneve have them while we tried to sort out the mess. I wasn't on any list, Capitol never called or anything, so after 10 minutes of talking and explaining they let me go over to the side booth where you weren't supposed to go, and let me by another ticket, I almost cried there because I only had like 20 dollars left.. Once I bought my ticket I realized there was no way I was ever going to meet any of the guys now and my gifts were pointless, so I asked the people who worked there if I could run back to the car and put the gifts back, they said yes because my ticket hadn't been stamped yet, and then did something to Candis and Geneves ticket so they could get back in.. We put them in the car and I was like miserable, I couldn't believe that I had been looking forward to this day for so long and it was already going horrible. I put everything back in the car except for one thing.. My horse that I bought for Dave. I love that little guy, and I wanted him to come to the show with me, he had a little orange cape on, that I made out of my little brothers shirt.. I made that cape at 3 in the morning because the show was about a week and a half away and it seemed like fun to make the cape instead of buying one, so I grabbed an awesome colored shirt that he never wears and started ripping it, and tearing it up, at first it was horrible looking and I was wondering what I had just done, then I fixed it, and it actually looked like a cape!! I remember while I was doing that, I was standing on top of a chair with the torn up shirt in my hands, and Candis walked in the room and looked at me like I was crazy.. Maybe I am crazy, at least a little.. :/ Eh back to the story, so we got back to the venue and were let back in, all the people working that night remembered me.. It must've been because of my costume, it made me appear to be important. haha. So we got back in, and I had to pee again, so we all went to the bathroom. Haha that was totally awkward. then when I was washing my hands a group of girls came up to me and said my costume was awesome, I thanked them, then took Geneves arm because I couldn't see all that good, and they led me out of the bathroom. Then we went to go into the pit, I was soo mad when I got in there, it seemed like EVERYONE was already there, there was no I was going to get through that. When I walked in, a bunch of people literally started screaming.. What's with people and seeing reindeer costumes? They act like they've never seen that before at a concert.. They gotta get out more I think. So we stood behind the crowd for a minute, just analyzing everything, then these people came up and were like 'OMG, Can I have a hug!? and a picture too?' I was like uh... No..? But then my sisters made me.. Then tons of guys mostly kept coming up giving me high fives or wanting hugs, whenever my sisters thought a guy was cute they pretty much forced me to do it.. Gosh if you want someone to hug that guy so bad, hug him YOURSELF, thanks. I had a few people come up and make rude comments, but I really didn't get bothered for once, I think the reindeer costume boosts your confidence. So we decided to try to get in the pit as far up as we could go.. We went through the middle back and started going through. I was saying things like 'make way for the reindeer' and stuff like that, it worked for a little, then it didn't work anymore. We got stuck and everyone kept tapping on my head and saying can you breathe and you're gonna need water.. This guy who was my age was like here, take my water, you're gonna need it.. aww that was really nice, I took a quick drink and gave it back, I wasn't going to take his water.. I decided I didn't like it there, plus I kept hitting people with my antlers.. So we backed out of there, and went to the left side, when we got there I noticed a lot of younger people, and parents, they were like why are you a reindeer? and aren't you hot? and stuff like that, then I said I wanted to go in the pit more, so we started squeezing through, and didn't get too far.. After about 10 minutes, of people randomly tapping my head or asking if I was able to breathe This rude girl behind me was like 'I can't see, can you leave, or get someone to watch the head for you?' I left, I guess Candis and Geneve didn't hear me say I was leaving, and started freaking out and texting me.. I told them that I was kicked out voluntarily. So I left, went to the back, by the sound stuff, and just wallowed in self pity. When I got to the sound/lighting area, all the people there looked at me and smiled, I knew what was going to happen next.. 'Can we take a picture with you?' haha people who were working wanted a picture with me.. ahaha how odd. More people came up for pictures and hugs/high fives, and then this group of like 13 year old boys came up, and they were like what are you doing, why are you in a costume? are you a reindeer, and then stuff like that.. haha I thought it was funny. then they left, I went out the entrance/exit area and went up the stairs that I had came down from, I was wondering what was going on.. They had this bungee thing across all the stairs as if there were blockading it.. I walked up and they let me through, I went and walked around for a second, then I decided to go back down, for a second the person by the stairs watching people going near it wasn't going to let me through, then this lady came up who was trying to help me figure out the situation with the covering the show and stuff talked to the person and walked me down and explained that the ground/pit thingy was full and that they have it blocked so more people can't come in but they'd make an exception for me because 1. my costume was awesome, 2. I was nice 3. They felt bad about the covering the show situation and me having to buy another ticket.. So she walked me towards the entrance that I exited from to let the security guard let me in because he's not supposed to let anyone in, and I thanked her and went back and hung out all by myself. Then Ruth started, the sucky thing is, I'm sure I was one of the biggest fans of theirs at that show, and I couldn't even be in the pit because no one liked my big fat reindeer head and I had no where to put it. I was really bummed being out of the pit, being alone. I kept walking back and forth, it's something I do when I'm bored, or upset. People kept giving me double takes because I had the reindeer head in my hand. A bunch of times people would say put your head back on.. I know it's better looking than my actual face, but dammit, I gotta breathe, too. once Ruth ended I was by the sound place again, and I saw Scott show up, I wanted to say something, I just didn't know what, then I went up to him and said you're scott right? and he said yeah, and then I said I had presents for the guys and asked if there was a way for him to get them to them for me.. He said yeah, but then I said they were in the car so I have to get my friends keys.. I also told him about how I was covering the show but I wasn't on the guestlist or anything so I had to buy another ticket.. And he was like you're brittany, right? And I was like 'yeah...? How'd you know?' then he said Jon was talking about me coming to the show and bringing stuff. I asked if I could put my reindeer head down in their sound area, he said yes, then I went and rushed through the pit to find candis and geneve.. It took like 20 minutes to get to my sisters, believe it or not, but Relient K fans are rougher than TBS fans.. ahaha. CRAZY, I know. When I got the keys, I completely forgot to grab my horse, I wish I had, because I guess later people kept pulling on it and trying to take it from candis.. It was all sweaty and messed up after relient k's show, it's neck lost a lot of it's fuzzy stuff so the neck couldn't support the head all that much, it made me really sad because that horse is seriously special to me.. So I got the keys and went towards the entrance/exit to go and get my stuff, but that securtiy guard who had almost not let me in earlier if it wasn't for the help of that nice person, was saying that he just got ordered not to let anyone come back in after they left. I explained that I was an exception, but this guy wouldn't have it.. He was the only one there not totally sucking up to me, and I hated it.. haha. So I went walking around, being devastated about not being able to go get my presents.. Then I went back to the right side of the sound/lighting stuff, by my reindeer head, then talked to this guy I talked with earlier who works for the tour I believe. I told him I need to go get my presents, but I can't get back in after I leave. So he took me over to talk to the guy and explain that I get to come back in. He took me out of the exit, while walking towards the stairs I asked him "Has anyone ever told you that you're tall, like realllyyyy tall?" and he said yes.. haha he probably gets that a lot from the 5 feet tall people like me who literally have to lift their head high to see his face.. ha. So we got up the stairs then to the door people he talked to the people and explained that I get to come back in, and down to the general admission floor area.. So I literally ran fast across the middle of the street, I didn't want to have to run straight, then sideways, so I just went down the middle of the road like a lunatic.. I mean, I was missing Relient K at the time! haha. Then I walked down the sidewalk, I saw a person so I thought I should slow down. I kept running into puddles, it was sucky. It's SOO scary out there alone, I thought someone was going to rob me.. Even though I only had approximately 18 dollars at the time.. When I got to the car I tried grabbing everything. It was soo heavy, the last time we carried the stuff Geneve or Candis helped me.. But I was all alone, I needed to do this all in one trip. I eventually got it all sorted out, and started walking as fast As I could. My arms were killing me right when I lifted them.. It was all the postcards and stickers that were heavy I think. The stockings and mini horses probably weren't too heavy. Like I said earlier, we weren't parked that close so it was pretty much torture trying to go fast to get back. Once I got there the door people smiled at me. By then they had seen me like what, 10 times.. and had been told a few times that I'm allowed to go back in with no hassle.. So I went down the stairs when the guy opened the blocker thing for me, and at the bottom of the steps was a dollar bill. I put my stuff down and took it, if you see a dollar, you take it! haha there were security guards leaning on the barricade of the other side of the stairs, I think they saw me take the dollar but who cares..? haha I now had 19 dollars (I didn't know that at the time.) So I got back to the entrance/exit, and the guy let me through with no problem. I went in the sound/lighting area and set my stuff down next to my reindeer head.. Seriously I got away with soo much stuff at this show, more than anyone.. I was the only one who got to put my stuff in that area where it was safe, and I was the only one allowed in and out.. After that I decided to try and take a video of rk during sleigh ride in the back of the crowd by the (I need a new name for the sound/lighting area so we'll call it SLA [Sound/Lighting area] Clever, I know) SLA. I'll upload it later. It's not so great. I think I changed my recording settings a few days ago, like lowered the quality, and forgot to change it back because ALL the videos from the show are horrible.. :/ Maybe it's because I was far away, though. Well, then I went up closer to the left side of the stage and tried getting a video there, too.. It stinks being short and being behind a bunch of people it isn't any fun. I starting roaming again from the left side of the stage, to the right side, then I went back to the SLA and stood there and watched. Then a guy, who had tried helping me earlier with my reindeer head when it almost feel off a barricade came up, and said you need to move. I thought that was what he said, but really what he said, was follow me, I realized that a moment later when he started walking and looked back at me. I followed wondering if I did something wrong.. I asked him where we were going, we were going to the back right side of the stage, like the backstage part, he said something about me getting a meet and greet..? It was hard to hear but I got excited, we went over to the backstage/side area and I saw the guy who helped me get in and out of the venue and floor with no trouble, The guy leaned forward and he asked about me going backstage which I was Completely confused about, then they looked at me and said we have to clear it with Scott, after the set was completely finished. So we went back over there to the SLA, and I watched the show. Soon it was Sadie Hawkins Time, and you know what that means.. don't you? He was asking about who can play guitar, and I got this sinking feeling in my gut, I wanted to cry because I knew I wasn't going to get to go on stage because I was in the back by the SLA and they always go for people in the pit.
So he was talking to this kid and asked, "can you REALLY play it? Seriously..? If you can't, can I cut your hair in a funny way? Last night we let this kid play bass and he totally didn't know how to play" the kid said he could play then he headed over there.. Then you'll never guess what happened.. Or you might. He looked at April k and Kelly who were in the front row and said 'Hey April K, is Brittany here!?' They said they didn't know.. I made the strangest face I've probably EVER made, then screamed, not too much sound came out though.. I tried again but people were making noises (Probably my sister and Geneve) the people by me looked at me, and realized I was Brittany and starting yelling and screaming and pointing but he still didn't hear, then Scott (I think it was Scott who did it) beamed the lights on me, and Matthew was like 'What are you doing back there!?' I tried saying 'I was shunned, but I was too quiet' then he asked 'Do you want to come on stage with us for Sadie Hawkins dance?' I said sure, and then he said something about antlers, and then I said 'Oh yeah, let me get my head' So I went in the SLA and grabbed it then started following the guy who had took me to talk about getting backstage to do a meet and greet while walking through the crowd people were patting my back and stuff like I did something heroic.. haha. So I went back, and I saw Ethan Luck!! I was hoping to see him, and by golly I finally did! I was like Hi, and he said hi, and that me and the guy and the girl will go up in a little, then he asked if I wanted to play bells, I said sure, so he showed me them and then put them down. Then he asked 'where'd you get that costume, it's tight' (I'm sure I reworded what he said, I always do that, I have a baddddd memory) I said Ebay. haha then I said it was expensive, I told him he could look at it if he wanted, so he picked it up (it wasn't on my head at the time) and looked at it, and I explained that I can hardly see in it, then he asked if he could try it on.. I of course said yes, and he took it off like 3 seconds later 'I'm claustrophobic' he said. haha I'm sure he saw how hard it was to see. Then I asked where I should put my bottle and my purse, and I asked if I could set it on this counter thing and he said sure.. So I put it down, then Jon Schneck came down the stairs from the stage, Relient K had just started playing Sadie Hawkins Dance and Jon was coming off stage for some strange reason while someone from ruth took his place.. I'm not sure if he came off stage was because he wanted to talk to me, or what, but all he did was talk to me then we went back on stage so I think maybe he did come to talk to me, who know I could be wrong.. He said you made it! and I replied with 'yesss' and a big smile, then he was like 'I'm Jon' haha I gave him a weird look and said 'I didn't know that' (I was being sarcastic, of course) he looked a little surprised when I said that.. Not because he was expecting me to instantly forget who he was when I saw him, but because I don't think he was expecting me to say that. haha so then he said nice costume, and I said thanks, I got it off ebay, it came from China and it costed a lotttt. He said wow.. Then I think we talked for a mini second then we had to go on stage, I Put my head on, grabbed the bells and followed them up the stairs. I was scared to death that I was going to fall, or not see someone and run into them like I had been doing all night. So I was being super-cautious watching where I was walking and looking both ways frequently, and I saw Matthew turn and look at me after shaking the hands of the other two people, I got all scared, Matt was looking at me.. And knew who I was, and was going to shake my hand in front of everyone there. I walked forward nervously, stuck my hand out and let him reach for it because I couldn't see all that great, he smiled and then I went over towards the Ruth dude (totally don't remember which one right now, maybe I'm not such a big fan afterall) and stuck my hand out to shake his hand cause I saw him kinda looking at me like he wanted to shake my hand or something.. Then I turned and went over by daves drums and stood there.. I didn't know what to do, I wasn't sure if anyone was near me because I couldn't see, so I stood there for a minute, then someone (I don't remember who) came up and acknowledged me to move the bells. It might've been Schneck, it might've been Hoopes, it might've been the guy from Ruth, I really don't remember, but I started shaking the bell/tambourine thing, whatever you call it and just stood there only moving a tiny bit shaking the thing to death.. Then I turned around and looked at Dave, he smiled at me and I turned around and screamed for some reason. haha. Then Schneck came up next to me and started rocking out while next to me, I was scared to move and mess him up! wouldn't that have been horrible if I did? I heard people screaming my name, I figured it was Candis and Geneve, so I lifted my reindeer head to look, but I didn't see them, but I do believe I saw my horsey flying... If I hadn't had the head on I would've been running across the stage going crazy, but since I couldn't see I pretty much stayed in my place. :) Once it ended Matthew said our names, then we left the stage.. It was amazing.

I found this on youtube.
When I left the backstage area people were all like 'good job Brittany' 'High five, Brittany' 'You were awesome, Brittany' I was no longer 'reindeer' but I was 'Brittany' WOW. :) I went back to the SLA put my head down and just stood there amazed that I just did that.. Then I went over to the left side of the stage and tried to record some of another song I think.. Again, I went back to the SLA and once the set ended I went by my stuff in the SLA section. When Scott finished talking, I asked him if I could get the presents to them or if he's doing that, then he was thinking outloud and was like 'uh.. the guys always take showers right after so if we went backstage you probably wouldn't see them' he kept saying stuff like that outloud, and thinking outloud and then said 'you know what, let's go back and see if they're in yet. You might just be able to hang backstage and wait.' I asked if I could leave my head there while I carry the presents backstage, he said yes. Then we started heading towards the exit to go to the door to go backstage and my sister saw me and was like BRITTANY!? Where are you going!? I said backstage!!! Then she's like what about us..? and then I said 'what about you guys making me late to the show, and making me freak out, and calling me pathetic for getting them gifts?' She was quiet, and I said I had to go.. Scott checked for the guys and again said that they're usually in the showers but he'll check to see if they all are taking showers at that moment. He lead me to this little bench/table area and I sat there and waited he came back a minute later and we talked, I thanked him for taking me backstage, then he said that Matt had tried to text him about me so I could come back stage, he wrote a text, forgot to send it and later asked if he got it and found out it never sent. (I think that's why he texted about me, I'm kinda foggy on the reason, but I think that's what he said) haha Matt wrote about me on his phone!! Speaking of his phone.. It is HUGE. haha but I still like it. A minute later, Matthew came out! He hadn't showered yet, I saw him and he saw me and he said 'HEY!' and I said 'hi' in a really excited voice. He walked up to me and smiled and went to give me a handshake cause I was sitting down, I stood up and gave him a hug. Then I think we talked about the costume for a second, then he said that he was looking for me in the crowd the whole time but couldn't find me.. I think I told him that I was pretty much kicked out of that area, I'm sure I did. He said that he read my myspace message earlier that I had sent a few nights ago and that he was scared I wasn't going to make it, he looked like he really meant it, too. I told him I had trouble getting here and I had to wait a longg time to leave the house. Then he mentioned the text thing too, I think Scott was back by then, It's hard to remember everything.. :/ then a person who worked there came up to us and said some people insisted on them giving this bag full of skittles and combos to the band.. They handed it to matt, and I said don't you hate those..? and he said he never cared for the skittles but the combos aren't too bad. haha. I had my camera set out and I was like 'OH! Can I interview you!?' 'interview me?.. Sure' Then I grabbed my camera and he said 'oh, on camera..?' and I gave him a look like yeah, then I asked if that's ok, and he said yeah sure, it's just I'm all gross and sweaty and unshowered.. He looked fine though, I told him that at the beginning to say hi to Nina, and Nina, he DOES know who you are, believe me, I could tell when I said your name that he knew who Nina is. haha. by that time he was sitting down next to me, and was pretty close, and I grabbed the camera and I said that it was kinda close so he's like 'oh, should I scoot more over then?' I said yes.. How often do you tell a guy like Matthew Thiessen to back further away from you.? Not very often, but for the sake of the movie I did. I was shaking pretty bad, It might've been because I really hadn't ate that day, and I was nervous.. So I did the interview.. I sounded like a moron. I had this piece of gum falling apart in my mouth and I wanted to spit it out, but that would've meant walking away from Matt and I could not do that, so I just dealt with it and sounded funny because the gum was messing with how I talked in this weird way. haha.

as you can see most of the questions were normal besides the last question,
and maybe the reindeer question..

we talked a little more, then he asked about taking a group picture a little later after getting showered and I said YEAH! Sure, but I wanted to be the reindeer. By then candis and Geneve sent me 5 texts begging me to get them in, I only just noticed, so Scott said he'd go and get the head, and let my sisters in eventually and that they just wait at the door until he gets them.. I called them and told them and I said they owe me big time after the things they put me through today, and I made them apologize on the phone. haha. Matt said he had to go take a shower, so he left, and Scott did too. So I was on my own again sitting, hoping to see someone else. I saw the guys from Ruth, and Switchfoot walk bye, I smiled at them, when Jon walked by I blurted out 'Hi' and while he was still walking he was like 'hey, how are you?' and I said I was good, he had to get on stage, I wasn't gonna keep him waiting.. ahaa. Dave came out next, I got really excited! I wanted to see him most! I think they all planned on talking to me because they all came over and talked to me at some point, and at two different times I had 4 guys there at once! Dave sat down, and I asked him how the show was, and he said weird, but good. I said 'I'm going to miss you!!' and he said 'aww I'm going to miss me being in Relient K too' he said it in a serious way, and looked all sad.. Then I asked if he plans on touring later with Gypsy Parade and he said yes, and I said they have to come to Washington and he said he wants to..I think he said weird because it was the last show. So I said I got him something, and showed him the horse behind me, and he was like 'whoa is that a cape on the horse!?' I said yeah. Then I said it's yours, and he said 'it's mine?' I said yes.. then I explained how I made that cape out of my little brothers shirt at 3 in the morning by cutting and ripping the shirt to pieces.. haha I then decided to tell him why I got him a horse, this is pretty much what I said; 'me and my friend always say May The Horse Be With You' to each other when we're saying goodbye and stuff, it's like a goodbye and a good luck in one.. By giving you this horse I'm trying to say 'may the horse be with you everyday' he said awww and that's really sweet, you should've seen him, he is soo sweet. Then I said that the little bugger survived the pit, I showed him how it was how the neck was all messed up and the fluffy stuff was out of place.. It really made me sad because I LOVE this stuffed animal. It was all sweaty too from candis holding on to it for dear life and all.. I went to tell Dave something, but I completely forgot and said if I remember I'll ask you later.. Then I told him how I almost had to miss the show, he was shocked, and said 'how come?' I said that I got to the venue and went to the door and told them I was supposed to be covering the show and they had no clue what that meant. here's the horse and the presents..

(two of the stockings hadn't came when I took this picture.. :/)
Then I said I was supposed to be on a guest list of some sort but they couldn't find me for anything, so I ended up having to buy another ticket, and I told him how I had paid for my sister and her friends tickets too. And he was like 'Oh, I'm sorry.' he got reallyyyy upset, and I said 'yeah, I guess Andrea never called them to set anything up' then he looked at me like 'what..?' and I said 'Andrea from Capitol records' and he rolled his eyes like she's done this before with other people. Then he said I need to be reimbursed and I think he said I should talk to Scott, I told him Scott already knew, and I could just write Andrea and he said ok, and said sorry in the most sympathetic way possible. It was really nice and sincere and I told him it wasn't his fault, he has nothing to do with that stuff, and I said at least I had boughten extra money if I hadn't I wouldn't even be here right now.. I was going to interview him too, but by then switchfoot started playing and it was loud.. Dave said he had to go make a phone call any minute, and right then I remembered.. And said OH I remember!! He said 'Oh, Ok, what?' and sat back down.. I told him I made him a page in Melanies scrapbook and asked if he liked it.. I told him it was the one with the plane and he said 'Ohhh that one! I liked it, when I saw it I thought 'how did she know..?' That made me smile.. Then he left, and I was alone, yet again. Next I saw Sarah Warne walk by, I said Hi, she turned smiled, walked up to me and said 'hi I'm Sarah,' I smiled and said 'I know' haha I bet she wasn't expecting that.. A second later she left and Mr. Warner himself walked up.. I smiled and he smiled back then he came over and talked to me. I forgot most with Warner.. I was kinda intimidated by him at first. Only for a minute though. He said hi, I said hello, then I went to say something.. Froze, stared blankly at him, went uhh.... Hi. haha he kinda laughed, and then he mentioned myspace and me commenting him.. and said are you going to comment me saying hi on myspace when you get home? I shook my head yes and looked like an idiot. and he laughed. He then asked about my myspace name, he was like 'Your name is Guernica now, right?' I dont' know why but I was surprised he said that, then he asked 'where did that come from?' I told him it's a song by Brand New, and also a painting by Picasso. He said 'Oh, from the Deja Entendu album..?' I said yes, and then said 'it's one of my favorite albums.. Besides your guys, of course.' he smiled. Thiessen showed back up all showered and clean in fresh new clothes, Hoopes came out, too... He was there for a minute and he's kinda the quiet one and I'm pretty quiet myself I knew I had to say something if I wanted to talk to him, he started walking forward towards Thiessen and I said Matt, he paused and turned and said hi, and I, not knowing what to say said 'hi, I've never talked to you before.. :/' he said 'oh, you haven't' Then of course, I had to bring up myspace by saying 'nope, it's probably because you don't have a myspace.. Well you do, you just don't sign on, ' he said yeah.. Matt suggested taking the photo because they had to hurry to get on stage with Switchfoot. I said 'wait, my reindeer head isn't here yet..' Then I said I can run and get it, but I don't think I'd be able to get back in. Then Matt took out his pass and handed it to me and said here.. I smiled, and said thanks and ran to the door, I got out and Candis was like Brittany?! Are we going to get in,' and I was in another world at that second and yelled 'I HAVE MATTHEW THIESSENS BACKSTAGE PASS!' She's like what!? And I said yeah, and then I said I had to go.. I ran and got my head, flashed my (Matts) Pass at the security guard proudly and kept going. I think by that point the security guard assumed I was important because first people were telling him to let me in and out, then I went on stage, then I had a backstage pass, after that I had no trouble with him.. I started to go to the backstage door and remembered Candis and Geneve, I walked in the door, and asked Hoopes, can I let my sister and her friend in? but he didn't hear me so I ran up to him and asked and he said sure, so they came in and we went to the bench and were all giddy. I put my costume on and Geneve zipped the back up and I got everything but the head on and matthew showed up with the jersey from April and Kelly I yelled 'THE JERSEY!' Hahaha he smiled and said yeah, Hoopes was next to us, and Candis looked at him and said she's your guys biggest fan, she talks about you guys all the time. I gave her a dirty look and said No, I'm not your biggest fan.. and smiled at him. and he said 'Of course you're not' Hmm.. Was that sarcasm.. From Hoopes!? haha. I was serious, I'm not Relient k's biggest fan, or even close, and I will insist on that until the day I die.. So then I got my head on and took a picture with my bff's (Thiessen), Hoopes, and Warner.. My antlers made picture taking difficult. haha. The first time I Stuck my hands out to do thumbs up, and matt was like oh, thumbs up..? but my thumbs were under the costume, and I said aww man, my thumbs were covered.

Matthew said 'wanna try again?' This time I got my hands out, and Matthew decided to secretly give me bunny ears.. How sweet of him..


Then Jon showed up and I said Hello.. I think I talked to him the second least... Hoopes being the least overall. The funny thing is I was expecting to talk to Jon the most. We took a picture quickly and it was kinda awkward, you can tell in the picture.

Me and Jon really didn't talk much which was pretty sad because I really wanted to talk to him, I just didn't know what exactly to say. Candis and Geneve whispered to me they wanted pictures, I'll admit I got jealous and mad that they asked, I don't know it was just felt like they were ruining my time with my favorite people. Especially after they made me late to the show and didn't feel completely horrible about it. I didn't want them to but I said ok and asked the guys if they could take one.. By then there were four guys together.. Thiessen, Jon, Hoopes and Warner. They got more people together than in my picture! psh..

The guys said bye a few minutes later, and Dave came back, I got happy, Dave really is easy to talk to, but so is Matt, maybe it's because he pretty much knows more than most people do about me.. Cause I kinda tell him even though he never really asked.. Yes, I am a loser. I looked at the horse and got really sad and said it's ruined. Then Candis talked to him about how I made it out of Trents shirt and she walked in the room while I was making it and thought I was crazy. Then I said 'aww, I'm going to miss this horse sooo much, he's my favorite stuffed animal.. I bought him for you a month and a half ago, but I got reallyyyy attached to it' and I said I hope he actually keeps it, and takes care of it. and he said 'Awww.. I'll take really good care of it' he seemed like he meant it. Then Candis said you should take it on stage with you. And he's like 'I should!' I took a picture with Dave,

Then I took one of him with Geneve and Candis..

Geneve is left, Candis is right.

Then he had to leave and get on stage with the other guys so we said bye and left backstage and went back to the floor to watch the show.. I was excited to see if dave would come on stage with my horse. HE DID! Also, Matthew came out wearing his amazing jersey, and had a football in hand, he kept making silly poses.. Silly guys.. Dave kept running around with the horse high in the air, I kept screaming because now not only had I been on stage, but so had my horse that I gave Dave!

This night could not have went better.. Ok, it could have at the beginning, but the guys made me forget about everything bad. I told Candis that we have to record rebuild because it has nearly everyone up for that song, so we waited for it, and recorded it, I need to resize the video and upload it. all the videos we took are horrible this time, but they're better than nothing I suppose.

After rebuild, I said bye to candis and geneve and went out the entrance/exit and went to a table with all my stuff and walked in circles around the table.. I think that was me helping me deal with everything that happened in the past hour. haha. Then all of a sudden I see two girls in pink tuxedo shirts coming my way and saying my name. It was April and Kelly!! I was sooo glad I saw them, I didn't think I'd find them! I was really happy to see them. April was surprised about my height. Yeah, I'm kinda short. haha.. I didn't know what to say to them, I just said whatever came to my mind right at the moment I thought It, I'm sure they thought I was crazy, i felt crazy. They talked about waiting in line for hours in the rain, I love how it hasn't been raining for a while but it had to happen yesterday. haha. I believe they said while waiting outside Jon came out and was surprised to see them and then asked if they had seen me.. I don't remember.. Maybe Tamara told me that.. Maybe they both did. Like I said a million times, I have a bad memory. They talked about the non-greatness of the space needle.. It made me laugh, and they told me how they saw me outside when I first got there and they screamed my name.. I thought I heard something... I wasn't just going crazy after all! Candis and Geneve came out, I introduced them, then I showed them the supplies I got from Capitol records then decided to go and buy a shirt and then get my butt outside and pass out stickers, buttons, and postcards. I went up the stairs, went to the merch table and gazed at the things, I wish I was a rich kid, I'd buy all the shirts. haha. The one I wanted was 20 dollars.. I figured ok, I have enough for that. I went into my purse to grab my money, and I could only find 18 dollars.. I was freaking out, I was like 'I lost a twenty, where is it!?' It was not in there, so I told Candis I need to borrow two bucks and she's like I don't have any money for you, then I said 'are you serious, Candis!? I pay for all the tickets, and you can't even give me two dollars to get a shirt, are you fucking kidding me!? I just lost twenty dollars' And then I checked my pocket and felt a bill, I figured it was just that dollar I found at the bottom of the stairs.. It was. I turned to candis and said I only need 1 dollar now. she said ok, fine. I gave her my money, asked her to get me a blue shirt and told her me and Gen would be outside because the show was over and everyone was leaving. Once we got out there I started passing out stickers and stuff, plenty of people took advantage of me being a blind reindeer and kept coming back and taking more. haha I honestly didn't care, I was trying to get rid of them anyway.. A bunch of people were like hey brittany, great job on stage, and stuff like that. Next I grabbed the pins and was handing those out, I had my head off for that, I held the head in one hand and the pins in the same hand and grabbed them out of the bag with my other hand. Those went by pretty quick.. Next I started doing postcards. I put my head thing back on and passed those out, and wandered around and gave them to people, I Remember I went to one side and this girl was like 'oh my gosh, you are soooo lucky, matt called you on stage, did you win a contest..?' Then I said no, he just in a way knows who I am and I guess wanted to give me the chance to go on stage with them. she again said I was really lucky and then I went and walked towards the street, and while walking, this girl in this big group was like 'OH MY GOSH, RUDOLPH I'M YOUR BIGGEST FAN' then other people were screaming and stuff too, I raised my arms like a champ, bowed, and said thank you one and all. Then I turned around and passed out more fliers, I got attacked quite a few times from behind, like people came running at me and gave me huge hugs.. It was really scary, especially cause I couldn't see who was hugging me or anything. I'm not very big on the whole hugging thing so it was pretty awkward. haha. While passing out stuff Someone said I like your shoes (that was my code.. I COMPLETELY forgot) and I said thanks. Then the girl stood there and I lifted my head and said OOOHHH I FORGOT! It was Tamara using the code we made. ahha I forgot my own code! I can be dumb at times.. We only talked for a second, then they left and I went back to handing stuff out. Then a little later Sarah came up. Jeepers that girl is pretty! haha and tall, I looked like a hobbit next to her, I'm sure. She was really nice and said I did good on stage (what a sweet lie.. hahah.:]) After she left I went back near the sidewalk while I had the head on and Candis and Geneve FREAKED! They thought I couldn't see at all and I was going to walk in the road. But I saw enough to see it.. I stood there for a minute, then this group of guys came up to me and were like 'hey, Brittany, You were awesome on stage, I love you're costume, can I have a hug' and just saying stuff like that, I said thanks and offered them postcards.. haha. Then Candis came up and said Brittany, reply.. I WAS replying, I guess none of them heard me. Or just she didn't.. A minute later after talking the left, and while walking away, they were like 'BRITTANY, YOU'RE MY HEROOOOO' haha once they were gone Gen and Candis were like Oh my gosh they're so hot why weren't you talking to them. I was talking, and even if I wasn't they shouldn't try and force me to talk to people I don't care how cute they think they are. They made me hug soo many guys who asked for hugs just because they thought they were cute, Later I told them 'if you like these 'hot guys' so much, why don't you offer to give them hugs FOR me, make it easier for both of us. I don't want hugs from all these people, you do. How about it..?' They declined, and I was forced into more involuntary hugs. We went back over to the door area, and this guy came up and said hey wanna sign my shirt? I told him I wasn't important and I wasn't a part of the show, but he insisted so I told Candis there was a sharpie in one of the bags we had, she grabbed it, and I said I can't see so Candis led my hand to where he wanted me to sign, and I wrote RD I couldn't write reindeer, that's too tough when you can't see! haha I was like there, reindeer. he looked at me and Candis confused, and Candis said to him that she could finish it for him. I don't remember what he said or if Candis fixed it but I really didn't want to sign someones shirt, I am not famous or great or any of that. I was ruining his shirt. haha. A few minutes later they said they think we should go now, so I said ok, even though I didn't want to, but I had already been backstage with the guys so I really didn't need to go to the bus area and wait to meet them again (I wanted to, but they didn't) and I didn't want to get in trouble for being late, even though it turns out that we were at qfc for 30 minutes so Candis and Geneve could hang out with Trevor.. That could've been more hanging out at the venue time for me.. But no.. It's their way or no way at all. Oh, and Tanya didn't even care about when we got home.. She had said a few nights ago that we had to be home by a certain time, and then she didn't even care later.. :/

Well, Tonight I've had enough high fives, group photos, head taps, worries, compliments, love confessions, hugs, stares, random conversations, paparazzi attacks, and vicious hugs (that are more like a small step below molestation) to last me an eternity.

here's a few more videos

My Christmas has been completed 22 days early. :)

oh and today (December 5th) Matthew replied to me twice,
he explained his reasoning to the bunny ears he gave me