Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hi, I love you

I hope you have the best Easter experience ever today.

This is my favorite Holiday, and even though there's going to be a lack of Church, bunnies and fake eggs for me this year, I'm gonna try to make the best of it. I hope you do too.

Have a happy Easter.

B. Rabbit and B. Everett

P.S. I mean what I said in the title.


sjaarnaeh said...

Awww, I Love You Too Brittany!!! I Hope You Have A Great Easter!

Jenna Lea said...

i hope your easter is wonderful even though you're lacking easter wonderfulness.
i'm sure you'll make the most of what you have! :D
you're amazing!
happy happy happy EASTER! :D

Nina said...

aww, haha
i love you too brittany!!!!!

and have happy easter to you too! :D!!!
Hope it's all spiffy and niftyful and snazzy :D

Anonymous said...

I <3 you too.
And you dont have the lack of a bunny :D
You have a pretty sweet bunny if i do say so myself.

Happy Easter

Unknown said...

Haha, cuteeeee.

Happy Easter!


The Wall said...

i less than three u 2[i hope u get what i'm saying :D]
happy easter
hope ur easter goes great ^_^

AE said...

happy blated easter to u too.
its ur fav holiday? haha nice!

ps. I love you. ;]

Melanie said...

Hope you had a great Easter anyway. :) Church was the only thing sorta normal about my Easter.

Hmmm... maybe I should send you some chocolate bunnies. ;)

Anonymous said...
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Melanie said...

I looked up vegan chocolate last night. I didn't find bunnies, but I did find vegan chocolate cat faces. LOL Kinda strange, I know. ;)

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Brittany said...

I just got spammed.

Jenna Lea said...

you just got spammed :(