Monday, September 29, 2008

PETCO Is Testing Me

So, as most of you already know; I'm working at PETCO (not Petsmart, Kara).
I like working there. I've been over that already, though. That's not what I'm blogging about.

What I'm gonna write about, this time, is my hours. My hours change around all the time. But normally in a way that makes it so I have very little sleep in between shifts. I'll be scheduled from about 4/5 PM to close (closing is 10/11 PM depending on the day), then they schedule me to work the next morning at 8 or 9 and I get off at 4/5. So I usually end up having little sleep, or, I get home right after work that night, go to sleep instantly, which is impossible for me without the help of some amazing over-the-counter drugs, such as advil pm, nyquil, and stuff like that. But, even those take at least an hour at least to start working, so I still can't fall asleep right when I get home.

There are only two reasons that I can come up with to explain why they give me these awkward, tiring hours, and they are:

1. They're trying to see how reliable I am, and how committed I am to my job.
2. They just have random open spots everyday and need someone to take them, and since I'm the newest employee there, I'm the one who gets these hours.

But you know what? Every single hour counts. I know that I'm lucky to have even been hired there in the first place. I'm just hoping that after I've been working there for a little bit longer, maybe they'll start giving me normal shifts, like most the other employees there already have. Until then though, I will do my best to get enough sleep at night so I can be all energized while I'm there. Boy oh boy, if only a battery could charge me.

....and by the way.
ha, I can't believe I'm writing this. I really can't.
It's stupid posting this on the internet, I know.
There's this silly boy who works at the store. and I think he's adorable.
I'm sure he's at least 24.
Of course, I can never like anyone who's near my age. But I'm fine with that.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Goodbye, Blackie

Today while at work, I guess Blackie (the oldest dog in our house, he was at least 8 years) was having troubles with his arthritis. We've been talking about putting him down for the past week. We were planning on doing all that after Daniel had gone to Korea for the National Guard, but that didn't happen. They decided to put him down today cause it was really bad. He was laying down all day, just whining. He wasn't moving or anything, he was just in pain. So Dan (not Daniel, Dan is Daniels father) took him to the vet and had him put down. I wish I could've had a warning just so I could've spoiled him like crazy before he was put down.

Oh well, I can't change that now.

RIP, Blackie.
You weren't the best dog, but you weren't the worst.

To lighten the mood of this sad, sad, blog,
here's a picture of Brownie from yesterday in the rain

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Here Ya Go

Pictures of the puppies.

I'll get better ones soon. I just took these today, inside the house, cause I realized I haven't taken pictures of em for a while.

My camera sucks at photo taking indoors.

Blogging Off, Again.

Hello one and all (and by that I mean hello, Melanie, Jenna and myself, cause we all know we're the only ones who reads this boring blog)

I decided to start blogging again.
I'm not going to be writing everyday or anything like that, but I'm also not going to go months without posting anything. I just thought it'd be fun to keep myself informed on what's going on in my life.

Yes, I really mean that. I like finding out about what's going on in my life by reading my blog.

So here it goes!

Working at Petco is a blast,
I'm surrounded by animals and animal-lovers all day long. It's awesome. My coworkers are all great people. They're funny and really helpful. Speaking of animals, I just spent about five minutes in a circle with Candis, Michael, Katrina and Vesse to say goodbye to one of our pups, Little Missy. We found her a home, and she's leaving as I'm typing this.

We have three puppies left now, Suki (she's Michaels, he just can't take her yet), Brownie (we're keeping him) and Koala (we're also keeping him)

they're adorable. All four of them. I'm gonna miss the ones thatare leaving.

Well, that's all for now! I'm going to go upstairs and rewatch Gossip Girl and Heroes.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I never blogged about Warped.

Holy BOOP, I never blogged about warped..


so me and ann met up in wawawashington, we drove to boiboiboise, we met up with melanie and lauralee, we checked out our hotel. We went on the rk boards. me and ann left and picked up kara, we went back to the hotel. then explored the area a little, we went to walmart and stuff like that. then it was time to sleep. then the next morning, everyone is awake except me. I start getting ready, find out that Warne is in our hotel. I think they're trying to trick me, so I finish up quick and go down to the lobby. He's really there. They were telling me the truth. It was awkward. So then I went and got my bags out of the room, put em in the car, then we went up to Warner in the laundry mat, and I asked him to hold a sign that said color k, cause I'm all about that self-promotion. Went in line for warped. HOT AS FUCK. Melanie waited in line for me and ann. ann and I went back to the hotel lobby for cool air, (and for me; apples!) Got front row for relient k and a few other bands. Got beer spit on my by a band dude. Ew, no thanks. Waited in line for rk's kia tent signing thing (that I told myself I wasn't gonna go to) and missed most of say anything, but I was quietly singing along while laying down in line. Talked to rk, awkwardness. They made me nervous, as always. But this time was the worst. I gave them riddles and dumbos, they all said, oh, thanks! It was obvious that they didn't get it, but I kept saying to Kara "they dont care". That was not necessarily true, but they did NOT get it. got kicked out of line. Waited outside, got to go back in (all the people I'm with have connections. I'm learning from the best.) Got to talk to them all by ourselves. Matt chewed me out for assuming they didn't care, when they just didn't get it. Got them all to do color k signs. I told matt he's too tall to hug, and he told me that I just hug wrong, which was true, I didn't fully hug him, it seemed kinda weird. Then I had to rehug him "properly" because I think he was trying to prove that if you hug properly then no one is too tall to hug. It was awkward, but nice I guess. Said bye bye bye to the guys guys guys. Walked around, alone. Ran into FREDDO, right after I had given up on looking for him. We nearly ran into each other, and both of us were like "HEY, it's you!" So we talked, about elia, about where he's playing, where I'm going, about color k, and most importantly, about how he wants to tour with Relient K badly. Awww, maybe someday, Fred.. Left, walked around. Went to the rk merch tent, where kara was selling stuff. Laid down there because I felt so sick. Left warped really early because I was terribly sick. I think it's cause I only ate an apple and I didn't have enough water. I missed Fred. I felt bad. Oh and I talked to PJ (he used to be in tcf, he's now in Charlotte Somtimes) and I told him I'd buy his cd later, cause he had to get it out of the van. But since I left, there was no way I was gonna get it. I felt bad. We ended up staying another night at the same hotel. We slept. We woke up WAY too early, and started heading out to WASHINGTONNNN.

NEXT DAY (Geore, Washington)
I slept in the car the entire time.
I got ready in a Walmart bathroom. We got to Warped. It was my day to sell Merch. I called tyler, and he said he'd be there soon to let me in early to help set up the tent. That took him forever. I got in eventually, I tried to set up everything. and then I started selling stuff. It was a blast. honestly I loved it. Watched Freddo on stage. That was fun. Got some ok pictures of him. Went back to the merch tent. Then went and helped John (Blood Water Mission dude) with his BWM stuff at the kia tent. Said hi to the guys for a brief moment. Nearly pissed Thiessen off. Oops. Said bye, went back to the merch stuff. Later, I walked to the mainstage, went on, watched Say Anything from behind them. They were good, no surprise. Ran out of batteries, ran back to the tent to get more for my camera. ran back, managed to catch their last song. Left to the tent again. Then went back for rk. Couldn't get on stage now. Fast walked to the table, told John, he walked me over, and made sure I got on, and told the rk guitar tech I'm with him. I said hi to Bri. then watched rk and tried to get pictures. There was sooo many people. It was insane. Took a video during Who I Am Hates Who I've been. Almost got kicked off stage with everyone else in the middle of the video,but I got to stay on cause I was "with the guitar tech". Then I went back to the merch tent. sold more stuff with ann, kara, tyler and john. then later took it all down. Then got sad, cause there was only one day left. Then we were headed out to Oregon. That's where my Sam-Sam resides.

DAY THREE (Oregon)
We got there. Relient K was first to play. We ran to the stage. I texted Sammie. She showed up like five minutes before they were on. Relient K came on. I made silly hand motions and stuff along to their songs. It was so lame, but it was the most fun I had during any of their shows. Hoopes winked at me when he came out and said "I know you!" that was cool. Show was sooo fun. When it was over me and sammie walked around. I gave her my vip pass to wear. but then we ended up switching. I gave her the bracelet, and I kept the pass that goes around the neck. We talked to rk at the kia tent. I was so sad. It was the last lday. But this time I really got to talk to a fwe of them way more. Except matt. He was in a hurry and he seemed grumpy. I had a nice talk with Warner, about his wife, who I ran into a few times and chatted with. We were talking about how we both like her. Crazy, right? Obviously I like her way more. hahaa I got a picture with each of them. I talked to Ethan, said something stupid. He had a guitar pick, and I asked him why he had a guitar pick. He said I mostly play guitar. I knew that, I just spaced, cause I had just watched him playing drums. ummm... then that was over, and me and sammie walked around by the buses. We walked by the rk bus I guess, and Hoopes and Jon were walking around. Jon starting walking up to us asked and said whats up. That was weird. I didn't completely stop to talk cause I thought it'd be awkward, I just said "nothing, just walking around." then kept going. haha. Then later me and sammie watched fred, this time in the crowd.. I left halfway though, cause I had just watched his set yesterday, and I really wanted to be at the merch tent. I had a lot of fun that day, I really did. I was so sad when it was over. and I was miserable every time I thought about ann and kara being gone. They're so much fun. Warped was great. I miss it.

So, that's all I've got about Warped.

Now I'm gonna talk about what's going on this month.

I got a job at Petco, I love it. Yesterday I held a ferret, and someones puppy. It was tiny, and gray, and so young. It was adorable, like a little dog version of a koala. I wanted to keep it. I dreamed last night that petco fired me. That wasn't good.

My bosses seem to really like me, which is great. I'm actually good at my job for once, I owned the register within a day. I'm getting decent hours, now all I need is a decent pair of shoes that won't kill my feet.

Today is my brother wedding. It should be interesting. I'm mostly looking forward to the after-dinner.