Saturday, October 18, 2008

I Found Nemo

Today technically wasn't supposed to be my workday,
but because Andrew was sick and called in for the week, I've gotten to take most of his shifts.. Including today from 8-4.

So, since Andrew was supposed to be here today, and I took his spot; I was put in aquatics for the first time. fun stuff! I learned a bunch about what goes on over there. It's like a completely different environment, being in the back of the store, instead of the front. It's kinda cool. Plus, because I don't have to be at the register 24/7, I can walk around, and go pee whenever I need to. I'm free. I don't feel like restricted. If that makes any sense..

Yesterday was awesome, even though I was at the register most of the time. It was mainly a good day because I was allowed to do more than usual with animals. Before I had clocked on Joe saw me staring at the turtles so he had me hold a few of them.. I was really excited like a little kid would be.. Animals do that to me sometimes.. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to take them out on my own before yesterday.. So today I kept grabbing them out whenever I got bored. Oh, and for about two hours yesterday, I had Sebastian (the conure I have a picture with on myspace) on my shoulder while working at the register and while putting stuff up on the shelves.. Hes great.. Except when he started getting bored/cranky and bit my finger hard. That hurt, and it bled. Now I have bird-bites on both hands. haha


Melanie said...

I think I would like working with the critters better than the register myself.

Sebastian is a naughty birdy.

Did they make sure your tetanus shots were up to date when you started there? If not, it might be a good idea.

It sounds like overall the job is a good one for you. :) I hope so.

Nina said...

Your job sounds amazing.

And yikes! Those birds are dangerous! lol, but SO cool.. I love them.

Bluish-green sounds pretty.


+ Turtles are awesome.

Jess :]] said...

Hahaha kids are psycho, it's pretty funny. And thanks! :)

So this job of your screams BRITTANY. That's so cool you found one you love so much. And as for the (game)boy.. d'awww! Crushes always come with that fuzzy bubbly feeling. That's great you get to talk to him a lot. Enjoy the bubbliness. :D

IIIIIIIIIIII am cheesey~

meg said...

it's nice to feel free and go pee

AE said...

oh i work at a register too. Im allowed to leave it as I please but i always make sure someone is guarding it for me.