Wednesday, November 5, 2008

8 Months

um since I'm blogging, should I blog about the rk stuff?


okay, so I flew into ohio at 11 am on the 30th. so nina and I had a day to hang out in order to get completely used to each other before going and seeing rk on halloween and nov. 1st together. it was fun. we went goodwill hunting for tennis gear for her. no luck. but it was kinda fun raiding through their stuff and critizing everything quietly. Um. next day I slept in late, and we waited for kara to get to the house. she got there. we left. and showed up at the venue. we weren't too far back in line. Kara went inside before doors opened to set up the merch table. I went in a few minutes later to tell her I had to pee and to ask her if she knew wehre a bathroom was. she didn't. but while I was trying to figure that out. I noticed rk was there. So I just stayed there to think. Then Matt came up and complimented my outfit. Mostly my shoes. He really liked my shoes.. Umm then Ethan came up and was like so you flew out? yep. I did. Walking to Ohio sounded like too much work. Jon waved from a distance.. I waved back then left and found a bathroom at the venues restaurant.

Doors opened. We managed to get to second row (which I consider to be a quite depressing place. It's front or nothing) HOH were all dressed up as Matt Thiessen. Their band name was Matt Thiessen and the Thiessens. Silly. They were good. But I gotta say I enjoyed their set more the next day. I'm not sure if it's cause I coudln't take them seriously with the costumes or if it was because second day I could see perfectly and was in a better mood. Off-topic! I'll get to day two once I'm finished with day one. They finished. This Providence came on as wizards and a teen wolf(?). They were entertaining I guess, but definitely my least favorite on this tour. Next was Ludo. I LOVE TIM THE KEYS GUY. I was watching him most of the TIMe. he was funny, even in his ape suit. Oh, wait, I hadn't mentioned that yet! They were all dressed as apes, except the lead singer who was a banana. I remember one banana joke he made, it was funny "I hope our music is appealing to you" or something along those lines. Ludo was a lot of fun. Next was rk, by that time a bitch ended up being next to me and was slowly trying to push me out of my spot. I had been in the same exact spot the entire time; in between these two girls in front of me. and she was acting like I had just showed up and tried to take her spot. I shouted something like why the hell are you trying to push me out of my spot!? and she was like you're the one pushing me and I've been here the entire time. no and no. gah, bitch. I noticed that she backed up off of me a bit when matt talked about me and then to me while on stage. I should've asked him to get security to escort her out. yeahhhhh right. But she was seriously ruining my night. Ummm their set ended and I believe hoopes through his pick at his head. I'm not sure if he was aiming for that or what. All I know is that I felt something hit my head right when they ended and I knew it had to be a pick so I tried to look on the ground without everyone else noticing and copying me.

I couldn't find the pick, and this other girl noticed me looking and I told her there had to be SOMETHING on the groundcause I could feel something hit my hat. She found it on the ground and looked at me, and I looked at her. and she could tell I wanted it, so she offered it to me even though I know she wanted it too. And I told her I would really appreciate it. She gave it to me. . Awww.

After the show we went by the buses and chilled. yes, chilled our asses off. okay, it wasn't actually that cold out, but whatever. I took my shoes off cause they were beginning to become a part of my feet. Ethan came out. I told nina to show him her drawing for matt. Basically, he freaked out. Which is not surprising, cause it's amazing! We hogged ethan from all the fans (one mom actually tried talking to him to ask when the bands were gonna come out!) and I was like "uhhh he IS in one of the bands!" ahahahahaha MOMS. I took a few pictures with him and I believe that's about it! Then I saw Tyson walking towards his bus, and I was like matttt you've gotta come over here and see what Nina has for you! it's incredible! he said he'd be right out. a minute later he came out, and this is what happened

yeah, he loved it. Who would've guessed!?
Uhhh, everyone except Nina!

then we all chatted like we had with ethan. He asked me what happened to my cute shoes. (why he remembered them, I have no idea.) we took pictures. in one picture he like put his entire head on my head. It was like I turned into a pillow. But I guess that's what happens when you wear comfy hats?

Next day, we leave by 11 and drive out to Columbus, and I cut relient ks faces. I printed them out the night before. I creep out Nina and Kara to the max. Kara drops us off so she can go to the airport to pick up ann. We get to the line. Two people are there. That's it. GOOD! We sit around a lot. I get up to go pee. Ethan strolls by says hi to Nina and leaves. I come back and he's gone. hahaha. I leave for a few walks with my camera. I stay seated for a while. I complain about how I think tyler secretly hates me. Right when I say that, Tyler Matt and Matt walk up. and I get embarrassed and start laughing it off in front of them. Thiessens asks what's going on and I tell him nothing. They look in the window at Chipotle (which is RIGHT next to us) and turn around and leave. I laugh more about the timing on that. Then go on a few more walks. Kara and Ann get there. While in line J. Warner walks by us while on his celly and goes in chipotle. he walks out for a second ann says something like fine ignore us. He walks inside, to ignore us. hahahahaha. He comes out later and talks to us forever. We kept him to ourselves. I told him I was holding a grudge against him from last night. cause he walked right past me and didn't stop to talk. Then he brought up the fact that I was walking the other way, and didnt' stop either. Well, I didn't stop cause he didn't stop, SO THERE. We all talked to him about random stuff. A LOT of random stuff. I told him to be ready for tonight, and not to be creeped out by what happens. and he said he'd try and he'd be keeping an eye out. then I asked him if I could have his setlist cause I've never had one before. He said he'll try and remember to get it for me.. Then he leaves. and Schneck and his anonymous friend go into Chipotle. While he's in there I decided I was hungry. So I bought chips and salsa. I go back outside to eat cause I don't want to be in there when Jon is in there. and eventually Hoopes goes into the music store down the street. I go in there because I wanted to say hi. I got inside, and I coudln't do it. Luckily Ann did and I just went up to her and started talking to him too. Then ann left, and I started talking to hi mabout a ton of stuff. Like the breakup of the new frontiers, the color fred (he started that topic) and how the tour wasn't doing well or something, um we talked about my job, and about coffee and waking up. other stuff that I can't remember too. Then I told him that we have something planned for a part of the show and that he can't scream like a little girl when he sees what it is. He said he can't make any promises. then I left him and went back to line. doors were opening, and we find out that all these peopleon the other side of the door who hadn't been there nearly as long get to cut the line because they're in this local club. bitches.

We end up being front row, far right, which wasn't bad because I kept saying we needed to be on Warners side! I was hyper and excited. I was in an awesome mood. Well, awesome for me, annoying for everyone else. I was obnoxious the entire time. haha you should've heard me scrining (screaming/singing) and bobbing my head and jumping/running in place. hahahahahahahah it was so much fun though. During the addams family, we wore their faces as masks, and bobbed our heads along to the beat. John Warne and Thiessen kept smiling. I remember Warner chuckling a little, I don't remember matt. haha ummm what next? Ann, Nina and I ate skittles and combos in front of Warner. haha. Then I aimed one for Warnes feet. Somehow he saw it, and looked at us, and ANN POINTED AT ME. jerkjerkjerk! I denied it though! After deathbed, John walked off stage without grabbing my setlist. I was sad about that. Then a minute later I see Derrick running on stage, and grabbing Johns setlist. ONLY Johns. It gave me hope, but it also made me nervous. Like John told Derrick to take it just so I couldn't get it. Which would be weird...

I go over to the merch table where kara is once the line went away and was going to buy a shirt. I was about to hand her 20 buckaroos when tyler asks kara what's shes doing. Then he tells her that I'm not paying 20 dollars for a shirt that costs three dollars to make. So I got it for free, like I did with the shirt I got the night before. THANKS TYLER, MAYBE YOU DON'T FULLY HATE ME! Then we asked about Nina and he said yes for her too! :) Then I went to the atm machine. Got out 140. and handed it over to ann. I owed her from warped. I still owe her another 100 which she will get soon. I saw Tim from Ludo walking one way, so I followed him and was like Hi! obviously he said hi back. then I told him he was the most entertaining person on this tour. and he said thanks and I asked if I could get a picture with him. Then Nina got one too. We talked to him for a second, then left. Then as we were leaving. I saw ANOTHER Tim. HOH Tim. I told ann and nina that I had to get a picture with him! He heard me say taht, even though he was with other people at the time. He looked at me and smiled.. Like he was waiting for me to ask again. I said hi and said I like ur bnd. and asked if I could get a picture and then I realized I left my camera at the merch table. I ran over and got it. then got a picture. then nina did. then we talked to them. and somehow I brought up the show from the night before and being from washington. and then saying ann has been to way more than I have. Then we went out to the bus area and waited around. We talked to Jon. I told him I haven't talked to him for a while. Then we talk to ethan. I think what I remember most is him starting to talk about Demon Hunter, and I interrupt him and say "WHAT'S THAT!?" and he replies with "You're too young to know" hahahahahahhaa whatever, Ethan! I'm a grown man, too! We talked about the west coast and seattle and other things. Then he left and we talked to everyones favorite Warner. Favorite part of that conversation would have to be the conversation between him and ann. She calls him beautiful a lot, and she said it when I was there. and then she started to say she doesn't want a picture because she looks like crap and he was like you look beautful. ahahahaha so adorable. I said something sarcastically about the setlist and he appolized for forgetting. Then not even a minute later he pulls it out of his pocket and handed it to me. Definitely made my night! haha. Then I had him sign his face that I cut out. I had ethan and jon sign theirs too. All of them asked where to sign it, I kept my response to same with all of them; "it's your face!".. Next up was Thiessen. We took another picture because that the time I hated the other one I took with him (I actually like it now) he tried to poke my nose twice. Who knows why? all of a sudden he stuck his hand out at my face and tried to poke my nose, both times I ducked away and gave him a confused look. Who knows what's goes on in that bushy head of his. West Coast talk goes on again, and I ask about what's going on after WWS and he said album but there might be a mini west coast tour with those big boring festivals and adding small dates in between those... That'd be awesome. blah blah blah... talking goes on. then he's about to leave and starts walking away. He doesn't get very far and I yell STOP! He stops and looks at me and I should something like "Virtual high five!" and I raise my arm in the air. He raises his, and we pretended to high five each other. Then he wanted us to redo it and add the backwards low high five to it at the end. so we did that too. Then he was gone. oh and before he left, he told ann to shutup. HAHAHAHA. That was funny. Then Matty Hoopes came out with a fuzzy hat on. I don't think I've seen him in one of those so I decided I'd get a picture with him with it on. So I did. Then we talked and I told him he needs to sing more because he has an amazing voice and he said he should be on the newalbum.. YES. Then we hear katy perry or something and he said something about her. hahaha I wonder what he thinks when he hears her. cause I mean she DID date his bff, I'm sure he knew her well too?

this is all I have.
I wasn't even gonna write about this.
But no one is online to talk to, and I wanted to type, so this is what I typed.
You shouldn't have read this. No you shouldn't.


Jenna Lea said...

I read it and i thought it wasn't a waste of my time :)
Goodness, I wish I coulda seen Nina's drawing! You just made me even more anxouis for when I see them. HOPEFULLY! I will finally get to meet them!!!!

mmmk, so i loved that blog.
the end.

nna said...

yeah hi. i brought up katy perry.

what a horrible memory.

Melanie said...

I had to laugh about Ann talking to Hoopes at the guitar store. Hmmm... who was it that opened the laundry room door at the Hampton. LOL

We will have serious disagreements about This Providence, though. I totally love those guys. :) I am wondering if Scott is still playing with them, though. He's not in any of the pics.

Really hoping and praying that one of the West Coast dates on the side will be Salt Lake City. I know they are definitely wanted here!!!

Anyway, I had fun reading your tales of the RK. ;)


lexidoodleellis said...

haha. i was sitting at school. doing homework. then... bam.. i just spent the past like 20 minutes reading this blog.

maybe im a slow reader. maybe im an idiot. idk


sounds like you had funn


Brittany said...

Oh ann, you didn't get what I meant. After you said something,HE said something that made me laugh. i don't remember what it was though.

nna said...

LOL I'm just messing with you.

Melanie, I also tricked Brittany to go into Chipotle because Warne was eating there.

I'm surprised none of them have a restraining order on me.

meg said...

that is one long, detailed blog
and i read the whole thing...

Brittany said...

Ohhhh Meg, you have NO idea how much I left out.

Nina said...

...caps are fun ^-^ lol...
that was a fun weekend.. i was going to blog, but I don't think I have to, yay! :D

i found a somewhat updated pic i took of the drawing, so if anyone wants to see it, just ask :]

Christi said...

ahhh! that's amazing!

Dude! I had to pay 25 bucks for a shirt! Sooo not fair. Hahah.

and Tyler! I met Tyler! Well, sort of. Not really. Haha.

but thats so awesome!

AE said...

oh wow I had no idea about this! So cool!