Thursday, November 13, 2008

My Other Blogs

I think I update my Flickr and Twitter accounts more than I update my actual blog. I definitely enjoy going to those websites way more than I do going to blogger. Plus Twitter is so dang easy! You can just text updates to it. Hello, brilliant!

I just sneezed. That's what I get for eating peas with loads of pepper when my nose is already going crazy.

This is not what I was going to blog about though. I am blogging about what's going on with me. Currently I'm rewatching The Office. But this past week, a lot (not really a lot) has happened. I got back home from Ohio. and a week at most later the bank calls me and says that I should come in and that my account is now at a negative 600 dollars balance and by the next day it'll be closer to 800. I go in, find out there's nothing that they can do for me. A few days later I go back and talk to someone else who works there and ask what exactly my options were for paying it off. He suggested getting a credit card, but it'd take a few days, so I'd still be getting charged for being at a negative balance. I left, then two days later I decide to put four hundred dollars in my account so that I'm a little bit closer to paying it off.. While I'm there I talk to a different person and asked her if there's a way for some of the fees to be waved because I only spent about a hundred and fifty dollars really. Most of the money I owed was because of fees for buying things when I was over. 35 dollars per transaction while negative and 20+mini- transactions = a big fee. (I didn't know I was over my balance. I forgot I had taken out money on an atm machine at the rk show) She said she'd leave the manager a note and see what they can do and that she'll call me monday. Monday came around and no one called. BUT Tuesday morning the manager calls, I explain the situation and SHE WAVED THE REST OF MY FEES! I love her. I'm opening a credit card (to build my credit) and a savings account so stuff like this doesn't happen again. Yay.

So when I paid that 400 dollars, I had 60 dollars cash on me. I kept that and said I can just live off that until my paycheck in two weeks. Three days in and I spent more than half of it. hahaha. I just have one more week to go, I think I have nearly 20 left..

Tomorrow I work. I think I'm curling my hair again. And going in early too. hahaha

Oh, by the way, I think I'm changing my hair next week.


Melanie said...

Wow.. glad they waived the fees for you. That's cool. :) It really does help when you contact people and try to work things out. Kudos for doing that.

I have never gotten into flickr much. I have some pics up there because of RK a long time ago, and I had to upload Mute Math pics as part of an agreement for a photo pass.

I'm still trying to figure out Twitter. LOL I'll get there eventually.

nna said...

I am glad things worked out at the bank!!!!!

If you dye your hair blonde, like my hair was, I will love you forever. Cuz then we would be opposite twins.

Anonymous said...

What a nice post. I really love reading these types or articles. I can?t wait to see what others have to say..