Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Get Back On Your Prozac..

I Haven't Been Too Happy Lately.
It Seems Like Every Other Day I'm Feeling Horrible,
I Get Really Sad, And Make Myself Sick, And The Sick Feeling Sticks With Me For Hours.
I'm Not Going To Say The Main Reason Of Why I've Been Getting Sad, It's A Dumb Reason,
Trust Me, You Wouldn't Care.

When I Was Younger My Doctor Thought I Was Depressed, I Thought He Was Crazy For Thinking That.. I Was On Prozac For About A Year I Think.. Then I Stopped.. I Don't Really Think That Medicated Drugs Are The Answer. I Just Need To Be Happy With My Life.. And I Can't Be Happy With My Life, Until I Actually Get One.. Just Don't Expect Me To Get One Anytime Soon.. I'm One Of Those People Who Complain That There Needs To Be Change, But Will Never Try And Change A Thing Themselves..

I'm Not Allowing Comments, That Way I Can Pretend No One Actually Read This.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Now Compare..

Fred Posted The Finished Version Of "Choke"
It Is Now Called "If I Surrender"

Listen To The Difference From My Last Post And This... I Wanna Hear You Say "Whoaa"

Fred Is A Musical Genius. :]

I'm Wicked Proud Of Myself..
I Heard It Before Like EVERYONE,
I'm Pretty Sure I Heard It First,
I KNEW He Was Going To Post It When He Came Online (At 1 A.M. I Might Add..)
So I Kept Refreshing The Page, Hoping For The Best, And Then That Something Happened. A Thousand Clever Lines, Revealed.. On TCF's Myspace..

Ok, So Me Trying To Change Lyrics To An Incredible TBS Song Didn't Work.. AHaHa

Oy, I'm Sleepy.. It's 3 AM..

But, I've Only Been Up For 14 Hours, So I SHOULDN'T Be Tired.. I Just Am.

Today Was GREAT, Matt Mentioned Me In His Blog..
Of Course I Saved It, Helloooo I'm Brittany!
I ALWAYS Save Stuff Like That..
So Here It Is, I Don't Know WHY I'm Posting It..

Cool Eh?

It Made Me Happy, He EVEN Spelled My Name Correctly.. :]

After Reading That, I Went For A Mile And A Half Run..
Nothing Compared To Matts "Only 3 Or 4 Miles"
But Oh Well, It Was Good Enough For Me..

Seriously, I Gotta Start Running Again,
Being On The Computer So Much Is Honest To God, Affecting Me In A Bad Way..

So, I'm Gonna Try To Take Matts Advice And Do Something Useful.. I Just Don't Know WHAT Yet..


Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Color Fred

So I Found A Website Where I Could Download Two Of His Songs,
I Found It Before EVERY Huge TCF Fan..
I Downloaded It,
Reformatted It,
And Uploaded It,
To IMeem..



When His Cd Comes Out This Fall, BUY IT, Please. :]

Thursday, August 16, 2007

I'm Ready

I Really Enjoy This Song,

Like A LOT..

It's So Good, That I Actually Feel Guilty For Downloading It Instead Of Buying It At A Store Like A Good Kid..

Sorry, I'm Constantly Broke, I Can't Afford To Buy All The Cd's I Want..

I'll Make Up For It One Day,

Somehow.. When I'm Older.


Well Tomorrow I'll Find Out Whether Or Not I Have A New Job,

If I Get A Job, Then I'll Buy Jack's Mannequins Cd.

I Have This Tendency To Want A New Cd, So I'll Illegaly Download It, And Say It's Only Temporary, And That I'll Buy The Cd Once I Get Money, But Then When I Get Money, Another Cd Instantly Springs In The Air, And I Get That Because I Don't Have Any Of Those Songs On My Computer, And I Already Downloaded The Other Bands Songs.

I Have About $300 Dollars Saved Up From My Birthday, I'm Saving It For RK Tickets, And If There's Any Money Left After That, I'm Saving It For TCF Tickets.. So I Can't Use That For A JM Cd... That I've Wanted For A While.. Hmm..

I Make Pointless Blogs. (That's Why I Rarely Post Any.)
