It Is Now Called "If I Surrender"
Listen To The Difference From My Last Post And This... I Wanna Hear You Say "Whoaa"
Fred Is A Musical Genius. :]
I'm Wicked Proud Of Myself..
I Heard It Before Like EVERYONE,
I'm Pretty Sure I Heard It First,
I KNEW He Was Going To Post It When He Came Online (At 1 A.M. I Might Add..)
So I Kept Refreshing The Page, Hoping For The Best, And Then That Something Happened. A Thousand Clever Lines, Revealed.. On TCF's Myspace..
Ok, So Me Trying To Change Lyrics To An Incredible TBS Song Didn't Work.. AHaHa
Oy, I'm Sleepy.. It's 3 AM..
But, I've Only Been Up For 14 Hours, So I SHOULDN'T Be Tired.. I Just Am.
Today Was GREAT, Matt Mentioned Me In His Blog..
Of Course I Saved It, Helloooo I'm Brittany!
I ALWAYS Save Stuff Like That..
So Here It Is, I Don't Know WHY I'm Posting It..
Cool Eh?
It Made Me Happy, He EVEN Spelled My Name Correctly.. :]
After Reading That, I Went For A Mile And A Half Run..
Nothing Compared To Matts "Only 3 Or 4 Miles"
But Oh Well, It Was Good Enough For Me..
Seriously, I Gotta Start Running Again,
Being On The Computer So Much Is Honest To God, Affecting Me In A Bad Way..
So, I'm Gonna Try To Take Matts Advice And Do Something Useful.. I Just Don't Know WHAT Yet..
After reading that i decided to not be on the computer so much too!! That is so COOL how he mentioned you!!
I suggest finger painting. It's very relaxing. I'm gonna paint you a picture :) and spell your name right. You are amazing! I'm buying my rk concert ticket today! Thought you might wanna know.
oh yes... They sound REALLY dif. :)
I do self defence 'cause I'm awesome.
i can't take a picture of your picture right now b/c my camera is broken. :( It's made!
You write a lot
in comments or messages or blogs
or whatever. Now stop!
Don't get upset!
This is part of a suggestion.
Try writing some stories.
Maybe a book.
It's a lot of fun, trust me,
and it's something to do.
Oh, and way to have this
a long time ago.
Wayyyy before Thiessen.
I Would Do That, Chris... But I Can't Write..
Maybe I Could Read..
See, if you lived close to me, then all of our problems could be solved! I can drive..but I don't wanna go to shows alone. And you can't drive...but would come to shows! Dang it! :/
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