Thursday, November 29, 2007

Well what do you know.

Elia is a sweetie. (Already knew that..)

This is from last night at a TCF show..

It makes me go awwwwww.

I ♥ Fred.
And of course, Elia, for doing this without warning.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I mean days,
not rings.

Yes, that is all, FIVE days until I get to see Relient K.
I haven't seen them Since April.
I want to be somewhere near either Schneck,
or Thiessen. I'm hoping I get that brand new camera in a few days that I asked for as an early Christmas present.
Watch, I will, but it's going to be a shitty camera.
I will be PISSED if it is, and I'll end up taking Katrina's camera, again.

when I wrote 'brand new' up there, I wrote it out as 'Brand New' the first time out of habit of talking about the band Brand New.. haha fantastic, and totally necessary to know, right?

The thing that I needed for the Relient K show was shipped out three days ago from Beijing, and it's already in the U.S. This means most likely it will arrive in time, and I didn't wast $135.00 after all.

I decided that I may not want to meet Relient k,
I can't see anyone being as nice as Fred was to me,
Sure Nick Beard and Anthony Green were nice, but it was a different nice with Fred,
Fred KNEW Me, and was happy to see me.
If I met any RK guys, even if they knew who I was, they wouldn't be excited to see me and wouldn't want to talk a lot to me like Fred did..

Speaking of Fred,
I miss him,
more than I've missed anyone I think.
No one has ever been so excited to see me,
well, maybe my mom.. But that's different, I wasn't excited to see her back.
It's different when its your hero who wants to see you.

If The Straylight Run. The Color Fred, Cassino, and Dear and The Headlights Tour is coming to your city, or even state, I think you should go. You won't leave disappointed.. Oh and at most of the shows there hasn't been many people so you can be front row without worrying about people trying to take your spot, and you can make funny faces at the bands to mess them up.. haha. This was my favorite show I've ever been to, even if the venue was shit.

I never know how to end blogs..

here it goes..


Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Color Fred

Tonight was pretty much all I had hoped for.
It was incredible.

Skip This Part.
For the past week or so, I've been worried that I wasn't going to make it to Fred's show.
I would've killed myself if I hadn't.. I had been waiting for my credit card to come, it came a few days ago, but I still needed to activate it.. I had figured this out on Thanksgiving.. The day all banks are closed, so I had to wake up at 7 A.M. this morning, take a shower, get ready, then go to the bank with Tanya after we dropped Katrina off at school to set up for Winterfest.. Before we left to do that, Tanya remembered that banks weren't open until 9. So I stayed home, and talked on the internet, with strangers, like you.. Once Tanya came back from dropping Tina off, she said we'd head out once Daniel got back.. He left at the same time as her, so he was supposed to return soon.. He did. So we got to the bank, I activated it, changed my pin. Went home, ordered me some Fred tickets, printed out map directions and my ticket receipt and got really happy.. No, really. I was maxed out on happiness. haha.

It was me, Tina, Dan, and Tanya going to Seattle. But only me and Tina were going to the show. We left the house at 4:30, and headed out towards Seattle.
Since it was Katrinas birthday we decided we needed to eat first, so we went to this restaurant I went to before with Tanya while we were waiting to pick Daniel and Brett up from a rolling stones concert last year.. Let me tell you, this restaurant was as ghetto as I remember leaving it. Ahahaha. It's great.

I wasn't really hungry because I had eaten a bagel before we left. and at like 10 I had some french fries.. But I decided to get something, so I asked the waitress some simple vegetarian questions, and she didn't know, and had to get the cook. I asked what oil they use, where they cook it, what they cook it with (fries/hashbrowns) then I asked where they grill their Boca burgers.. I ended up only ordering a burger. haha it was filling, and it made me sick before I even got to the show.. A bunch of stuff happened at the restaurant. Funny stuff, that would take way too long to write about.. It took forever to order, and I was scared of being late to the show. I wasn't, thank God. We left the Restaurant at 6:15ish..

Start HERE.
We arrived at the venue (Chop Suey) by 6:30. Doors opened at 7:00 (actually 7:05), I kept bringing up things from dinner.. Not literally.. The burger stayed in my stomach, but verbally. Like talking about how whenever I go to a restaurant, I always seem to talk to the cook... I saw Brian a little ahead of us in line, I was like 'Hey Katrina, there's that boy I told you to add on myspace that thought that you were cute' and she's like Ooohh.. say something to him. But I told her later, like once we were in the venue. The line started moving, and gosh it was embarrassing, Tanya was with us, and kept treating us as kids. haha I'm 17. not 7. Right when we got to the door, she went to the car, and immediately called us..

'are you in yet?'

'No, Tanya, we are currently right underneath the doorway..'


'Tanya, if there was an earthquake RIGHT now, we'd be safe.,. We're not all the way in yet.. We'll be fine.'

'ok.. tell me once you get in, ok?'


Agh, embarrassing..

There weren't many people at this show, and the venue wasn't very big... But I liked it, I was front row center the entire time.. Well, until SR.. But let me tell my story, please.

Brian came up to me and Katrina, and said hi.. We didn't exactly know what to say to each other, besides me reminding him it's her birthday and to tell her happy birthday. Like a minute later he went back to his friends, and I went back to talking to Katrina.. A little later, I realized that Sammie was in front of me for the hour wait for Cassino to come on.. She said hi, and I was like 'oh my gosh, you were in front of me this whole time, and I didn't notice..' I said something like that.. Just not so smooth. She seemed more comfortable than me, I didn't know what to say. haha. we got pretty used to each other though.

Cassino went on first.. The Keyboardist reminds me of Manchester Orchestras Keyboardist.. A LOT, actually.. ahah.. Katrina kept referring to him as 'awkard.' Either he was really sick, or really into the music, or a little of both.. Who knows.. I enjoyed watching them though.. And listening, too.

Next was Dear and the Headlights.. I was excited.. I like them a lot.. Before they started playing the bassist kept looking at me and smiling.. I didn't get it.. Maybe it was because I had laughed at him.. haha.. Half of the guys had a bottle of beer with them, and another bottle of water.. It was grand.. Once they started, I was blown away. They were great.. Even though one of the guitarist totally fell over at the beginning and fell on a keyboard, and hit his head on this thing hanging.. It was hilarious.. And he even said he was embarrassed. They got kicked off the before finishing, they had ran out of time, even though they still had two songs to play. .They were completely bummed, and so was I.. The venue should've let them keep going.. They were on a roll.. Well by this time I was mighty thirsty, and Sammie, her friend, and I kept eying Ian's used water. So I got up the guts to ask 'can I have this water?' to one of the guys, and they said 'sure' So I had me some water.. I shared.. duh.. :)

Next was TCF.. boy oh boy was I excited.. I finally get to see Fred!
Tuning and set up seemed to take forever. PJ was out on stage, so was Steve, I believe.. But I wanted Fred. haha. Eventually he came out.. Me and Sammie got really excited.. Why wouldn't we? He started playing, and I was happy.. I don't sing at concerts though, so I was kinda hoping he wouldn't look at me, because I didn't want him to think that I wasnt enjoying myself, cause I was.. I'm sure the smile on my face gave it away that I was having a blast. He looked at me a few times.. Sammie too.. For some reason, Freds amp was tuning into a local radio station, and you could hear it on quiet parts.. In between the break of the ending of one song, and the start of another, Fred noticed, and said 'what's that?' I, and other people, yelled 'it's a radio' then he said 'is it anything good?' I said 'no.' I'm not sure if he heard me.. Then he said something about it being educational.. ahah.. Fred did amazing.. It made me really happy.. during another transition to another song, Sammie said 'say something witty' to me.. So I yelled, 'I HEART YOU!' haha.. It's all I could come up with (I had said it quietly like 10-15 minutes earlier..shh) Everyone heard, and laughed, including Fred.. Which is what I wanted. haha.. When he left I was sad.. Then a few minutes later, I saw him back in the stair area where they walk up to go on stage and I yelled his name to get his attention.. I asked him if he's coming out.. Then he said he would be in like ten minutes.. He did.. It made me really happy.. I went over and saw him and he smiled at me.. He recognized me, and said YOU MADE IT! I'm Sooo glad! which made me happy.. not even 10 seconds after I got to him with Sammie and Katrina, a crowd of twenty people showed up.. He asked me if I wanted to go watch Straylight Run, and I said something like 'No, I want to talk to you first, you're more important to me..' He talked to me like sooo much more than anyone else, it was crazy.. I told him I had a few questions, while he was taking pictures with a few people.. and he said to shoot away. So I started off by asking if the Frederation is gonna be started up again, he said something about Tom and him like fighting or something.. Then I believe he said that he's gonna start it up again.. Then I asked if he got my presents for him back in july and he said 'from projekt revolution?' I said yes.. then he said yes, and that he really like him.. I could tell he meant it.. He kept saying he was glad I could make it, because a few nights ago when I talked to him on the phone, I told him I might not have been able to go.. I brought up the phone conversation, and how half the stuff he said I couldn't hear, (just like there) I kinda liked the fact that it was loud there.. Fred kept leaning into my ear to say stuff.. haha it was funny, I still missed a lot of what he said.. This girl asked him for a hug, then I said to Sammie 'I want a hug... :/' I guess I said it louder than I thought because Fred turned around and said 'Ok' with a big smile and gave me a giant hug.. I didn't want to let go, but I did. Then a second later, a girl came up, and tugged his arm. He turned around, walked a few steps, and talked with her.. Even though he had told me one minute.. He decided to tell me that she was one of his good friends.. haha I still don't get why he told me, I don't think I was really important enough to tell that to.. Then a minute later he said that he's gonna talk to his friends for a little bit and that he'd be coming out later after straylight run ended.. I gave him another hug, then I asked him if later he'd be able to make a video for martine, and he said yes.. I was happy. haha.

So then he went a few feet over to chat with his friends.. He kept looking at me and smiling.. haha I couldn't believe that he actually liked me. Like I know he's nice, but WHOA. He's insanely nice.. Especially to me. A few minutes later, before walking away, he said he'd be coming back out again to see us.. He then went to this corner part of the building, where the backstage room is.. And the bathrooms.. I had to go to the mirror a little later, so I walked down there, then while walking back, this kid was asking for a signature and I figured that it would take only a second so I waited behind him for him to move.. But it was taking a while, so I just ended up sliding behind him because I didn't want Fred to think I was standing there because he was there. I was just waiting to get through. A Little later, Katrina went to the bathroom, then I went to meet her.. When we were walking out.. We started walking down the aisle, and this guy ran straight across the hall the in the other direction, running into the mens bathroom. It was Fred, and he nearly ran into us.. We would've been knocked over if he ran into us.. I'm sure. haha. Me and Katrina just started laughing hysterically and kept on walking.. Not many people get to say that Fred nearly knocked them over while running to get to the bathroom. ahha. Me, Sammie, her friend (I forget her name) and Katrina weren't sure if Fred said he'd meet us back where we first saw him, or if he'd meet us outside, but we stayed where we first came up to us, just in case. At least that's why I stayed.. haha..We ended up staying there until stralightrun ended.. Then I went and sat on the stage.. Sammie came up to me and said Fred was outside, So I went out there, walked down the corner.. Passed a few people, slowed down, then from the corner of my eye, I saw someone and had a feeling it might be him.. I turned, at it was him.. He was like

'HEY! Are you hungry? They have hot dogs!'

then I said that I'm a vegetarian,

he said 'They have veggie dogs too, I had one, it was good, do you want one?'

'no thanks, I feel sick'

after that we made a little bit of small talks.. You know.. the "how are you"'s and stuff like that and again he said that he was really happy I could make it, then I said, Ohhh the Martine video.. wanna do that now?

Dan was outside in the car with Tanya, they saw us, and honked.. And I got really mad and scared.. They were ruining the only time I had to talk to Fred..

I told Fred to mention Montreal... So I shot the video, then I said thanks, and that it means a lot him talking to me and all.. Then I said I had to go. Me and Katrina ran across the street, through the cars.. Okay there was only one car, and it was far. Then I got to the car, and I was pissed, I was like 'You're ruining this for me, Dan' I came to see Fred, and right when I talk to him, you honk your horn.. Then he said something about what we were doing, and then who's Fred. Then I explained who he was, and he's the reason I came.. Then I remembered I didn't get a hug, or even him to sign my ticket (which sammies friend gave to me cause I said I wanted to get Fred to sign something, and I didn't get a ticket because I was a will call..) So he said he didn't know what we were doing, and I could go back.. I was like 'Aww man.. he's with his friends, and I just said bye.. It'd be awkward..' I decided it was worth it.. So I ran across the street. told him I forgot to ask him to sign my ticket, then I said thank you and stuff again, then gave him a hug, (I forgot last time when Dan was honking) then I said bye and I hope to see him in March With M&D and AvA, and I started running towards the road.. Fred yelled watch out for that car! heh. I almost ran in front of a car.. But Fred has my back you see.. Hahah There's no chance of me getting hurt when he's near.. So then I turned around, smiled, said I'm good, and thanks, then took a step forward.. Then almost went in front of ANOTHER car.. there were even more cars by then.. I waited a second, then walked across the street.. I was totally bummed.. I didn't get to talk to him much, and I thought It'd be weird to talk to him since he's with his friends..Once we left, I got really sad, And I kept watching the video I took for Martine, and was thinking 'at least I got this.. She's gonna love it..' There was just so much more things I wanted to say to Fred, and so many questions.. Maybe next time..? I sure hope so..

Well, because I didn't want to forget any significant thing I wrote a lot down on a notebook on the drive home.. I still forgot a lot.. but oh well. Maybe it'll come back to me, and I'll remember.. I'm mostly writing this all now so I don't forget later..

I commented Fred like a few minutes after getting home, and he had just signed on.. Guess what he did.. He commented me.. That made me happy... Usually after meeting people at shows, he doesn't go and comment them too.. But he did.. I swear I'm not trying to sound conceited.. But I'm thinking maybe I'm one of his favorite myspace fans.. I mean, he replies to me a lot, he reallyyyyyy wanted to talk to me at the show, and he comments me right after meeting him.. Haha I'm probably wrong, tell me what you think.. You probably think I'm just getting a big head.. You may be right.

Videos will be up on youtube.. Not much though, I didn't have Very much memory space. haha..

Pictures are now on myspace.

Laugh at me, if you want. I only put it up because I promised people.. This picture makes the Circa ones look good. haha.

Thanks, if you actually read this..

Oh, and if you read this Sammie, tell me if I messed anything up. I'm sure I did.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Fred Mascherino call

My friend Laniola went to a TCF/SLR show tonight, and called me when she met Fred.

Before handing him the phone she said it was Brittany from Seattle just so he knew it was me.

He got on the phone and was like HEY!! I said hi back, and then he asked me how I was.

I don't remember everything, it was like a huge rush..

I remember telling him I'm having trouble getting tickets for the show and he said something like There's always next time.. Or something like that. He was really quiet when I first said it.. It was probably because I've been the one begging for him to come to Seattle and he knows it.. I'm determined to make it..

haha He was like 'You're finally talking to Fred! I see you're online a lot, I know we've talked on myspace.. I haven't been on much since tour started'

He seemed like in a hurry to get off the phone, we talked for like a minute and a half, I didn't understand half of what he said, which totally sucks. I guess I was hoping for the experience Sammie and Martine both had when they talked to him on the phone..

I didn't get to ask him ANYTHING. Which totally sucks.. :/

I'll get over it.


When Laniola got home,
she got on myspace,
and told me that first she said her friend was on the phone, and he didn't seem so excited.

Then she said it's Brittany from Seattle. And he went OHH! And had a huge smile, and ran outside so he could talk to me and hear me better.. that made me happy. :)

I quit.

Yeah, not really. I'm just going easier on me.

I will still limit myself and all.

Just a week is too long. At least right now.. Right now, I'm taking baby steps as Kelly would say.

Picture comments, blog comments, and Holiday comments don't count.


Sunday, November 18, 2007

Then he asked me; What does that mean..

What's another word for desperate?

Repetition makes an impression.
What's another word for desperate?
I won't be around here for too very long.

This song is stuck in my head a lot, it's fun to sing to, too..
So is the ending part of 'You Know How I Do' by Taking Back Sunday. I had it on repeat earlier.. I kept singing Nolan's parts..

' Think of all the fun you had.
The finest line divides a night well spent from a waste of time.
Think of all the days you spent alone with just your T.V. set and I,
I can barely smile.'

Friday, November 16, 2007

I posted the pictures on myspace

If you're not friends with me there, then you're out of luck..
Unless, of course, you add me. (Which most of you already have)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Had to leave early.

(This is continued from the Circa Survive post)

Sadly.. I Left like 40 minutes early because Tanya needed to wake up early the next day, and Daniel was locking Candis out of the house and refusing to let her in.

But.. Like 5 minutes before we left, this girl screamed, 'Anthony, I want to have your babies!' he was like 'You want to have my babies...? You don't want to have my children, they'd be toxic' haha.. Then a second later he was like 'Wait, that sounds wrong..'

It was funny, and cute.

I took pictures with a couple of the guys, I think I should post it.. Then I'd be able to PROVE that I've gotten huge.. and ugly.. If I put them up, no laughing please.. :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Circa Survive

Ahh Such a sweet band..

they're really friendly, and funny.

We had a little trouble going backstage at first, because we're under 18.. Once the staff settled things out we went back, then went into a room, and they came up to us, said their names, shook our hands, ahaha when Nick tried shaking my hand I messed it up, he tried doing this weird handshake, and I accidentally didn't let him. I looked dumb. ahahah.

When I first saw Anthony I yelled 'Bunny!' aloud, he looked at me funny, and I felt dumb. But then a second later we all started talking and I felt a little better. I wore my favorite jacket, and Anthony was like 'Oh, is that an owl on your jacket?' Then he pointed at it, I said yes, with a big smile, and he was like 'Ohhh, I likeee it.' It was really cute..

He's so friendly, ahaha and flirty. It's adorable..

He was eating a plain avocado, and everyone else around was like 'dude, that's weird, don't you want anything with it..? Like soy sauce, or salt?' Then he replied with 'no, salt is bad for you, and I used all my soy sauce for my paintings' haha that made me laugh.. They paint, and raffle it off at shows.. So sometime tonight one an original soy sauce painting. haha. A second later, Anthony looked at me, and was like 'Want a bite' It caught me off guard, I said no thanks, but my sister might want a bite. ahah.. She said no.. Man I wish I had said yes.. I totally lost my mind while talking to them.

Casey from Dear Hunter was EXTREMELY nice, too.. haha..

When I first met him, he was like, 'I'm Casey, I'm morbidly obese, which makes me unimportant.' I was so shocked that I couldn't say anything. But of course he's important.. he was really nice. hahaha.

They asked me and Katrina how old we were, I said I'm 17, And she's 14. Then they asked if we were in high school, I said she was in high school, and I'm in college, and Casey was like 'whoa, hold up.. You're 17, and in college!?' I tried to explain about running start, but I stopped when Anthony said 'It's because she's a genius' haha. I had to disagree with that, So I said 'Actually, I'm really stupid' after that, a new conversation started. I'm sure I looked dumb calling myself dumb, but I do it a lot. Only because it's true. Then they asked if we lived in Seattle, I said 'No, I wish I did though.' Then they asked if we came to seattle or shows a lot, again I said that I wished I did, but I don't get the chance of that..because it's far away from where I live.. Nick asked where we're from, I said Gig Harbor.. For some reason, they heard 'Hick Harbor' And said "Whoa.. A city called 'Hick Harbor!?'" haha me and my sister started laughing and tried a few times to say 'No, GIG Harbor, Not Hick' haha.. Then they asked where it was, and how far, I said pretty far, Katrina said two hours. Then they asked what it was near.. I paused, I know what it's near.. Tacoma.. I didn't want to say that because I didn't want them to think I lived in a city like Tacoma, because I don't.. Gig Harbor is NOTHING like Tacoma.. NOTHING. So I Muttered Port Orchard and Bremerton.. haha. Nick asked if I drove here, I explained that I can't drive, even though I'm 17... Then Casey mentioned that he didn't start driving until 18, himself. It made me feel more comfortable, and less of a loser. haha. I Explained that my guardian took us, and they were like 'Oh, that's REALLY nice, tell her we said thank you' They said stuff like that a few times before we left. haha it was great.. they like really appreciated us coming out to the show..

I got all nervous when I got backstage, and I didn't know what to say.

I thought I was hiding it pretty well, but once we left the backstage, my sister, Katrina was like 'You were totally weird in there' haha I didn't even know. I still don't.. When I think back, I see myself being shy, but not weird. aha.

Ok.. Good Enough for now.. :)

One week

I can make one week,
I've done it before,
I'll do it again,
this time it'll stick.

Circa Survive tonight.
I'm wondering if I should bring my camera or not..

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Is School Done With Yet?

I keep waiting last minute to do everything.
I can't motivate myself to stay ahead.
This is college, I can't fall behind, I can't fail. I Can't.
And if I do, then what. What'll happen?
Hmm. Well.. I'll Probably be held back a year, that's what will happen.

Oh, when this quarter is over I will officially have all my required credits in order to graduate.
But that doesn't mean I can fail, next quarter. I still have to pass those Civics classes that have to do with volunteer work and senior projects, that is.. if I want to graduate in 2008, anyway.. Make sense... It's a requirement, but not..?
haha uncool.

Want to know what class I dislike, most?

Scratch that, It's an even tie for all of them but one.

And what is the one I actually enjoy getting up early for?

Ok, I'll tell you. It's Guitar.


Sunday, November 11, 2007

I hate when I keep posting blogs.

I hate it even more when I see that someone actually reads them.
aha. My blogs aren't funny, or even extremely weird.. Why do people read them..? Half the time I don't even reread my posts because they're that boring.

I leave for work in a few hours.. and odds are I'll be terminated tonight.
I'm scared, I'll admit it.. I don't want to be fired. Not yet.

Matthew Thiessen wrote me today, he's too sweet..
He helps me build up confidence.
I love that I can depend on him..
Whenever I'm down, I read something from him to feel better.
It usually works, too.

He actually cares.
This is one of the reasons he's my hero.
I really hope I'll have the chance to meet him someday.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Tell me you know what I mean

Please don't be technology
Cause I can't turn off your love
Like some cold machine

Don’t feed me scraps from your bed
And I won't be the stray coming back
Just to be fed

Don’t be waves
Come to seal my fate, marine
Just pretend
That you want me
And be my babe

Don’t be that note I can't hold
Don’t be that joke that I told
And told
Till it got old
Don’t be that hand around my throat
So I can't breathe
You say you're my friend
But why won't you be my family?

Well, if you breed
Just don't tell me

Be my babe.

Be my serene
Tell me you know what I mean
You’ve set on me but you are not the sun
And you will not listen

Thursday, November 8, 2007

I'm Covering Relient K's Show.

December 3rd.

I'm Excited.

May The Horse Be With You. :)

Saturday, November 3, 2007

I Refuse To Make A List.


I Love Animals. I Love Music. I Hate Meanies, Although It Seems Those Are The Only People I Surround Myself By. I'm Dressing Up For The Relient K Concert I'm Going To In Washington. I'm Gonna Stand Out. I Don't Really Have 'Friends' I Have A Few Acquaintances, But They're Really Not Friends. I'm Currently Reading Franny And Zooey While I'm On The Bus. I'm Not Funny... Or Interesting. Matthew Thiessen Means More To Me Than Anything Or Anyone, That Includes My Family (I'd Say 'And Friends' But Like I Said.. I Don't Really Have Those.) If I Ever Meet Him, I Don't Know HOW I'd React. I'm Scared I Might Pass Out. Lately, It Seems I Am Addicted To Soda, I Have About 24 Oz Of It A Day, When Just A Few Months Ago I'd Go Weeks At A Time Without Ever Wanting Or Having Any.. I'm Scared I'm Going To Ruin My Teeth. I'm At Target WAYY Too Much, And I Rarely Ever Buy Anything, Unless Someone Else Is Paying. I Always See Things That Make Me Think Of Relient K. I Am Pretty Much Always Wanting To Buy Them Something.. It's A Good Thing I Don't Usually Have Money Because I Would've Already Spent Thousands Of Dollars On Them. I'm Usually Really Nice, The Only Time I'm Not Is When I Think That Somebody Is Lying. I'm Five Feet And One Point Five Inches Tall. I'm Wondering Why I Didn't Type That Out The Way Normal People Do. I Rarely Restart My Computer. It's Usually On, Or Set In Hibernation Mode. I Have Trouble Closing Tabs.. Right Now I Have About 30 Open.. I Eat Unhealthy.. Which Is Why I've Been Gaining So Much Weight So Fast. I'm A Really Shy Person, I Have Trouble Having Conversations With People I Don't Know. When I'm Somewhere That I Feel Comfortable At; I Am Loud, Hyper, And I Make Tons Of Unnecessary Jokes.. And Only About A Quarter Of Them Get Laughed At By Other People. I Work At Dairy Queen.. I'm Only There To Get Money For Relient K Presents. This Is Getting Way Too Long. I'm Done For Now.

Friday, November 2, 2007

You're Gonna Break It.

So I've Been Gaining Weight Lately.

Like A LOT.

It's Kinda Sad.

I Should Post A Recent Picture Of Me, To Prove It. (Because I Know Some Of You Don't Believe Me No Matter What I Say.) But I've Been Avoiding The Camera These Past Few Months.. It's A Good Thing, Me Avoiding The Camera. Really.. I Can't Afford To Replace My Camera If It Cracks. :)

I Should Start Going Running Again. But.. I'm Much Too Lazy Lately.
Halloween Candy Isn't Helping Me, Either.