Sunday, February 17, 2008

Careful, You May Be Over-Caring

It's sad, I realized this a long time ago, but I usually forget and don't think about it for a while, then I eventually remember again and question myself asking why I'm like this. I care about people, more than the regular care that most humans have. I am big a big supporter of the equalitiy factor. I get so irritated when things aren't fair or balanced, and if you read my last blog you probably figured that out on your own. It's a good thing I'm not the star of some heroic movie or anything, because this trait of mine would probably be what leads to my downfall.. I guess you could say that it's my Achilles heel, or would be... I'm treated unfairly all the time, and I know how horrible it feels. So whenever I can help it, I try to make things fair for everyone else. Most people are so busy thinking about themselves that they don't even notice the things that are going on with others. I'm the complete opposite, I notice everything that goes on around me, I'm usually more focused on others than I am on myself.. I'm sorry, but I don't have an example for you at this time, but I'm sure you all know what I mean.

I'm volunteering tomorrow at Cottesmore of Life Care, it may just be my last day there, I'm currently at 25 hours, I need 30 for my class. I actually enjoy volunteering there. I may keep coming back even after my hours are up. Some of the residents there LOVE seeing young faces, it means the world to them to have someone to talk to. It's sad how many times they get neglected by their families.. It's like they get put in these life care homes so their kids don't have to take care of them or ever see them again except maybe at their funerals. You know, you should volunteer sometime, somewhere, if you don't already, it usually can make a difference, and it might make you feel better about yourself for helping someone other than yourself.. :)

1 comment:

AE said...

ahh that is amazing brittany!
An I can totally relate to being fair to others because people is not fair to you. I do that a lot. I try. I mostly treat people the way I would like to be treated. I will be praying for you!