Friday, July 18, 2008

Jesse Lacey Is The Man

The show was amazing.

I took a lot of pictures and videos..

I got to Seattle by 1:30. Sarah and I got to the venue around 2:00 and noticed no one was there. so we parked down the road and went walking. Then we (sorta) got lost. and by the time I got back there it was 4:40. and there was ten people in line ( :( ) AND it seemed as if every single on of them had friends who needed to cut. I was worried I wouldn't get front row. Luckily I got front row to the very left of the stage (whihc is a GREAT spot.) I had enough space to turn around and sit on stage and watch whenever I wanted during the show. So unlike most the kids, I didn't have to stand the entire time. :)


Brian Bonz was amazing. I wasn't surprised. I mean there must be a reason he was chosen to tour with jesse and kevin, right?

Kevin Devine came on early and played with Brian a little. I freaked out on the inside when I saw him. Not gonna lie about it. hahah. Then when it was Kevins time, he played a lot of awesome songs. Including Just Stay :)

I'm so happy he played it. I love that song.

Jesses' set was also fantastic. He even played a new song

and he played a lot of old songs too. :)

(it has been taking me FOREVER to post videos. Its like an hour per video. hahah

The entire show was great. Once Jesse was over, I went to the merch area to meet Kevin. I was worried about going up because I had given all my money to Sarah earlier, so I had nothing to buy. I went up to him and said something like "hi, is it ok that I'm over here? I don't have money to buy anything, I just wanted to get you to sign this and to say hi.." He said it was fine and he appreciated me coming over. or something like that. Then I told him how glad I was he played Just Stay cause I really wanted to see him play that live. Well he said something like that's good because you got to see it then.. So then Sarah and I left the venue, went outside and went to the side of the venue to see if anyone was waiting out by the back door and the van. NO ONE WAS. so I figured Jesse had already left.. so we started walking to the car, and I said something like "I can't believe I didn't meet Jesse.. I really wanted to meet him" then sarah said we could go back and wait just in case. because if he is still there I could meet him.

We turned around and went back and waited by the dumpsters, the van, and the backdoor. Jesse came out about 20 minutes later. but he was busy doing stuff, so I didn't say anything. while waiting we met this other girl (the only other person waiting) and she told me that he was gonna tell her the set times after the show..

So while jesse was loading stuff into the car and whatnot, we just stood there and stared. We didn't want to interupt him. haha. Then, he went back inside. and he stayed there for like 30 minutes. We were both really upset we hadn't said something while he was out, and said next time we're saying something even if he looks busy. So he came back out.. Those thirty minutes felt so long. and he was talking to Brian and Kevin and a few other people because they were planning on hurrying to a movie theater to see the batman movie that starts at 12. me and the girl (her name is myra) went up to him. I asked him to sign my ticket. He did. then I asked him if there was a name for the new song he played. He told me that it isn't exactly a song, but more of an idea, and that it doesn't have a name. Then Myra was explaining to jesse and the guys that parking would be a total bitch and it'd probably be impossible.. after that myra said to jesse that it was great to see him and she'd see him tomorrow (lucky), and she gave him a hug (she kept telling me she didn't want to leave until she got a hug), then I said the show was great and it was nice meeting him and then I hugged him too. Then I left.


I left so much stuff out.

Like losing sarahs car, and getting sun screen, and driving myra home.

I just don't want to have to type all of it.

anyways, the show was AMAZING.


Melanie said...

Nice. :) Glad you had a good time and you were able to meet them. A friend of mine really likes Kevin. I know he was playing at a place called Kilby Court and I was going to another show we both like. She said she went to see Kevin because he doesn't come here often and something about him not liking it here much for some reason. Anyway, he has a nice voice. They would be worth seeing.

Jenna Lea said...

wow! sounds like a full and amazing night! :) i'm so glad you got to meet him, give him a hug, AND get an autograph! :D you're amazing.

Jess :]] said...

Wow, amazing. :)