Tuesday, December 9, 2008

This Will Be My Blog

Cause its' my blog, and I do what I want

[1] Three​ names​ you go by?
Brittany, Brito, Brit

[2] Three​ thing​s u are weari​n ?
skin, nail polish, contacts

[3] Are you in a relat​ionsh​ip?​​​

[4] Have you ever been given​ a rose?​​​

[5] Have you ever licke​d a photo​?​​​
yes haha

[6] Have you ever been in love?​​​

[7] Do you belie​ve that every​one has a soul-​​​mate?​​​
Not really, I think there are many different possible mates for every person

[8] What'​​​s your curre​nt probl​em?​​​

[11] Are you a loser​?​

[12] How many kids do you want to have?​​​
one or two

[13] What is/​​​are your favor​ite color​s?​​​
orange and yellow

[15] Have you ever found​ it hard to tell anyon​e you like them?​​​

[​16]​​ Imagi​ne you'​​​re 40 and your spous​e just died would​ you get re-​​​marri​ed?​​​

[17] At what age did you start​ notic​ing the oppos​ite sex.

preschool. Early, I know!

[18] What song do you want playe​d at your weddi​n?​
my weddin? I dont' care.

[19] Do you like anyon​e?​​​
I thought I did. I don't think I do though.

[20] Do you think​ the perso​n you like likes​ you?

[21] Have you ever writt​en a love song?

[22] Do you want to get marri​ed?​​​
I guess

Monday, November 17, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008

My Other Blogs

I think I update my Flickr and Twitter accounts more than I update my actual blog. I definitely enjoy going to those websites way more than I do going to blogger. Plus Twitter is so dang easy! You can just text updates to it. Hello, brilliant!

I just sneezed. That's what I get for eating peas with loads of pepper when my nose is already going crazy.

This is not what I was going to blog about though. I am blogging about what's going on with me. Currently I'm rewatching The Office. But this past week, a lot (not really a lot) has happened. I got back home from Ohio. and a week at most later the bank calls me and says that I should come in and that my account is now at a negative 600 dollars balance and by the next day it'll be closer to 800. I go in, find out there's nothing that they can do for me. A few days later I go back and talk to someone else who works there and ask what exactly my options were for paying it off. He suggested getting a credit card, but it'd take a few days, so I'd still be getting charged for being at a negative balance. I left, then two days later I decide to put four hundred dollars in my account so that I'm a little bit closer to paying it off.. While I'm there I talk to a different person and asked her if there's a way for some of the fees to be waved because I only spent about a hundred and fifty dollars really. Most of the money I owed was because of fees for buying things when I was over. 35 dollars per transaction while negative and 20+mini- transactions = a big fee. (I didn't know I was over my balance. I forgot I had taken out money on an atm machine at the rk show) She said she'd leave the manager a note and see what they can do and that she'll call me monday. Monday came around and no one called. BUT Tuesday morning the manager calls, I explain the situation and SHE WAVED THE REST OF MY FEES! I love her. I'm opening a credit card (to build my credit) and a savings account so stuff like this doesn't happen again. Yay.

So when I paid that 400 dollars, I had 60 dollars cash on me. I kept that and said I can just live off that until my paycheck in two weeks. Three days in and I spent more than half of it. hahaha. I just have one more week to go, I think I have nearly 20 left..

Tomorrow I work. I think I'm curling my hair again. And going in early too. hahaha

Oh, by the way, I think I'm changing my hair next week.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

8 Months

um since I'm blogging, should I blog about the rk stuff?


okay, so I flew into ohio at 11 am on the 30th. so nina and I had a day to hang out in order to get completely used to each other before going and seeing rk on halloween and nov. 1st together. it was fun. we went goodwill hunting for tennis gear for her. no luck. but it was kinda fun raiding through their stuff and critizing everything quietly. Um. next day I slept in late, and we waited for kara to get to the house. she got there. we left. and showed up at the venue. we weren't too far back in line. Kara went inside before doors opened to set up the merch table. I went in a few minutes later to tell her I had to pee and to ask her if she knew wehre a bathroom was. she didn't. but while I was trying to figure that out. I noticed rk was there. So I just stayed there to think. Then Matt came up and complimented my outfit. Mostly my shoes. He really liked my shoes.. Umm then Ethan came up and was like so you flew out? yep. I did. Walking to Ohio sounded like too much work. Jon waved from a distance.. I waved back then left and found a bathroom at the venues restaurant.

Doors opened. We managed to get to second row (which I consider to be a quite depressing place. It's front or nothing) HOH were all dressed up as Matt Thiessen. Their band name was Matt Thiessen and the Thiessens. Silly. They were good. But I gotta say I enjoyed their set more the next day. I'm not sure if it's cause I coudln't take them seriously with the costumes or if it was because second day I could see perfectly and was in a better mood. Off-topic! I'll get to day two once I'm finished with day one. They finished. This Providence came on as wizards and a teen wolf(?). They were entertaining I guess, but definitely my least favorite on this tour. Next was Ludo. I LOVE TIM THE KEYS GUY. I was watching him most of the TIMe. he was funny, even in his ape suit. Oh, wait, I hadn't mentioned that yet! They were all dressed as apes, except the lead singer who was a banana. I remember one banana joke he made, it was funny "I hope our music is appealing to you" or something along those lines. Ludo was a lot of fun. Next was rk, by that time a bitch ended up being next to me and was slowly trying to push me out of my spot. I had been in the same exact spot the entire time; in between these two girls in front of me. and she was acting like I had just showed up and tried to take her spot. I shouted something like why the hell are you trying to push me out of my spot!? and she was like you're the one pushing me and I've been here the entire time. no and no. gah, bitch. I noticed that she backed up off of me a bit when matt talked about me and then to me while on stage. I should've asked him to get security to escort her out. yeahhhhh right. But she was seriously ruining my night. Ummm their set ended and I believe hoopes through his pick at his head. I'm not sure if he was aiming for that or what. All I know is that I felt something hit my head right when they ended and I knew it had to be a pick so I tried to look on the ground without everyone else noticing and copying me.

I couldn't find the pick, and this other girl noticed me looking and I told her there had to be SOMETHING on the groundcause I could feel something hit my hat. She found it on the ground and looked at me, and I looked at her. and she could tell I wanted it, so she offered it to me even though I know she wanted it too. And I told her I would really appreciate it. She gave it to me. . Awww.

After the show we went by the buses and chilled. yes, chilled our asses off. okay, it wasn't actually that cold out, but whatever. I took my shoes off cause they were beginning to become a part of my feet. Ethan came out. I told nina to show him her drawing for matt. Basically, he freaked out. Which is not surprising, cause it's amazing! We hogged ethan from all the fans (one mom actually tried talking to him to ask when the bands were gonna come out!) and I was like "uhhh he IS in one of the bands!" ahahahahaha MOMS. I took a few pictures with him and I believe that's about it! Then I saw Tyson walking towards his bus, and I was like matttt you've gotta come over here and see what Nina has for you! it's incredible! he said he'd be right out. a minute later he came out, and this is what happened

yeah, he loved it. Who would've guessed!?
Uhhh, everyone except Nina!

then we all chatted like we had with ethan. He asked me what happened to my cute shoes. (why he remembered them, I have no idea.) we took pictures. in one picture he like put his entire head on my head. It was like I turned into a pillow. But I guess that's what happens when you wear comfy hats?

Next day, we leave by 11 and drive out to Columbus, and I cut relient ks faces. I printed them out the night before. I creep out Nina and Kara to the max. Kara drops us off so she can go to the airport to pick up ann. We get to the line. Two people are there. That's it. GOOD! We sit around a lot. I get up to go pee. Ethan strolls by says hi to Nina and leaves. I come back and he's gone. hahaha. I leave for a few walks with my camera. I stay seated for a while. I complain about how I think tyler secretly hates me. Right when I say that, Tyler Matt and Matt walk up. and I get embarrassed and start laughing it off in front of them. Thiessens asks what's going on and I tell him nothing. They look in the window at Chipotle (which is RIGHT next to us) and turn around and leave. I laugh more about the timing on that. Then go on a few more walks. Kara and Ann get there. While in line J. Warner walks by us while on his celly and goes in chipotle. he walks out for a second ann says something like fine ignore us. He walks inside, to ignore us. hahahahaha. He comes out later and talks to us forever. We kept him to ourselves. I told him I was holding a grudge against him from last night. cause he walked right past me and didn't stop to talk. Then he brought up the fact that I was walking the other way, and didnt' stop either. Well, I didn't stop cause he didn't stop, SO THERE. We all talked to him about random stuff. A LOT of random stuff. I told him to be ready for tonight, and not to be creeped out by what happens. and he said he'd try and he'd be keeping an eye out. then I asked him if I could have his setlist cause I've never had one before. He said he'll try and remember to get it for me.. Then he leaves. and Schneck and his anonymous friend go into Chipotle. While he's in there I decided I was hungry. So I bought chips and salsa. I go back outside to eat cause I don't want to be in there when Jon is in there. and eventually Hoopes goes into the music store down the street. I go in there because I wanted to say hi. I got inside, and I coudln't do it. Luckily Ann did and I just went up to her and started talking to him too. Then ann left, and I started talking to hi mabout a ton of stuff. Like the breakup of the new frontiers, the color fred (he started that topic) and how the tour wasn't doing well or something, um we talked about my job, and about coffee and waking up. other stuff that I can't remember too. Then I told him that we have something planned for a part of the show and that he can't scream like a little girl when he sees what it is. He said he can't make any promises. then I left him and went back to line. doors were opening, and we find out that all these peopleon the other side of the door who hadn't been there nearly as long get to cut the line because they're in this local club. bitches.

We end up being front row, far right, which wasn't bad because I kept saying we needed to be on Warners side! I was hyper and excited. I was in an awesome mood. Well, awesome for me, annoying for everyone else. I was obnoxious the entire time. haha you should've heard me scrining (screaming/singing) and bobbing my head and jumping/running in place. hahahahahahahah it was so much fun though. During the addams family, we wore their faces as masks, and bobbed our heads along to the beat. John Warne and Thiessen kept smiling. I remember Warner chuckling a little, I don't remember matt. haha ummm what next? Ann, Nina and I ate skittles and combos in front of Warner. haha. Then I aimed one for Warnes feet. Somehow he saw it, and looked at us, and ANN POINTED AT ME. jerkjerkjerk! I denied it though! After deathbed, John walked off stage without grabbing my setlist. I was sad about that. Then a minute later I see Derrick running on stage, and grabbing Johns setlist. ONLY Johns. It gave me hope, but it also made me nervous. Like John told Derrick to take it just so I couldn't get it. Which would be weird...

I go over to the merch table where kara is once the line went away and was going to buy a shirt. I was about to hand her 20 buckaroos when tyler asks kara what's shes doing. Then he tells her that I'm not paying 20 dollars for a shirt that costs three dollars to make. So I got it for free, like I did with the shirt I got the night before. THANKS TYLER, MAYBE YOU DON'T FULLY HATE ME! Then we asked about Nina and he said yes for her too! :) Then I went to the atm machine. Got out 140. and handed it over to ann. I owed her from warped. I still owe her another 100 which she will get soon. I saw Tim from Ludo walking one way, so I followed him and was like Hi! obviously he said hi back. then I told him he was the most entertaining person on this tour. and he said thanks and I asked if I could get a picture with him. Then Nina got one too. We talked to him for a second, then left. Then as we were leaving. I saw ANOTHER Tim. HOH Tim. I told ann and nina that I had to get a picture with him! He heard me say taht, even though he was with other people at the time. He looked at me and smiled.. Like he was waiting for me to ask again. I said hi and said I like ur bnd. and asked if I could get a picture and then I realized I left my camera at the merch table. I ran over and got it. then got a picture. then nina did. then we talked to them. and somehow I brought up the show from the night before and being from washington. and then saying ann has been to way more than I have. Then we went out to the bus area and waited around. We talked to Jon. I told him I haven't talked to him for a while. Then we talk to ethan. I think what I remember most is him starting to talk about Demon Hunter, and I interrupt him and say "WHAT'S THAT!?" and he replies with "You're too young to know" hahahahahahhaa whatever, Ethan! I'm a grown man, too! We talked about the west coast and seattle and other things. Then he left and we talked to everyones favorite Warner. Favorite part of that conversation would have to be the conversation between him and ann. She calls him beautiful a lot, and she said it when I was there. and then she started to say she doesn't want a picture because she looks like crap and he was like you look beautful. ahahahaha so adorable. I said something sarcastically about the setlist and he appolized for forgetting. Then not even a minute later he pulls it out of his pocket and handed it to me. Definitely made my night! haha. Then I had him sign his face that I cut out. I had ethan and jon sign theirs too. All of them asked where to sign it, I kept my response to same with all of them; "it's your face!".. Next up was Thiessen. We took another picture because that the time I hated the other one I took with him (I actually like it now) he tried to poke my nose twice. Who knows why? all of a sudden he stuck his hand out at my face and tried to poke my nose, both times I ducked away and gave him a confused look. Who knows what's goes on in that bushy head of his. West Coast talk goes on again, and I ask about what's going on after WWS and he said album but there might be a mini west coast tour with those big boring festivals and adding small dates in between those... That'd be awesome. blah blah blah... talking goes on. then he's about to leave and starts walking away. He doesn't get very far and I yell STOP! He stops and looks at me and I should something like "Virtual high five!" and I raise my arm in the air. He raises his, and we pretended to high five each other. Then he wanted us to redo it and add the backwards low high five to it at the end. so we did that too. Then he was gone. oh and before he left, he told ann to shutup. HAHAHAHA. That was funny. Then Matty Hoopes came out with a fuzzy hat on. I don't think I've seen him in one of those so I decided I'd get a picture with him with it on. So I did. Then we talked and I told him he needs to sing more because he has an amazing voice and he said he should be on the newalbum.. YES. Then we hear katy perry or something and he said something about her. hahaha I wonder what he thinks when he hears her. cause I mean she DID date his bff, I'm sure he knew her well too?

this is all I have.
I wasn't even gonna write about this.
But no one is online to talk to, and I wanted to type, so this is what I typed.
You shouldn't have read this. No you shouldn't.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I Found Nemo

Today technically wasn't supposed to be my workday,
but because Andrew was sick and called in for the week, I've gotten to take most of his shifts.. Including today from 8-4.

So, since Andrew was supposed to be here today, and I took his spot; I was put in aquatics for the first time. fun stuff! I learned a bunch about what goes on over there. It's like a completely different environment, being in the back of the store, instead of the front. It's kinda cool. Plus, because I don't have to be at the register 24/7, I can walk around, and go pee whenever I need to. I'm free. I don't feel like restricted. If that makes any sense..

Yesterday was awesome, even though I was at the register most of the time. It was mainly a good day because I was allowed to do more than usual with animals. Before I had clocked on Joe saw me staring at the turtles so he had me hold a few of them.. I was really excited like a little kid would be.. Animals do that to me sometimes.. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to take them out on my own before yesterday.. So today I kept grabbing them out whenever I got bored. Oh, and for about two hours yesterday, I had Sebastian (the conure I have a picture with on myspace) on my shoulder while working at the register and while putting stuff up on the shelves.. Hes great.. Except when he started getting bored/cranky and bit my finger hard. That hurt, and it bled. Now I have bird-bites on both hands. haha

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

It's Been A Week

I think I should post about something..

Hmm.. Well, work, ugh, I'm a little upset about work. For the past two weeks I haven't been scheduled to work even 20 hours each week. and I was scheduled next week to only work 18 hours, too. I was pretty bummed about that. I was planning on talking to the General Manager, Darrell, about getting more hours. But guess what? He's on vacation. Of course... Just my luck. But yesterday after I had already checked my schedule, Janelle, the Assistant Manager (who reminds me freakishly of Shannon) came up to me and started to say, "would you want to come in next week..." I interuppted and said "Yes. I want hours. I'll take it." Janelle: "Oh, ok, that's great! I'll remember that." then she told me what day she needed me and blah blah blah.

So hopefully now I'll start getting more hours. I need more hours. I'm gonna start saving up so I can get myself a car. Then maybe a phone on my own line, then either a new computer or apartment. haha it's good to have goals.

I've been sick for at least a week now. It's horrible, my throat is always full of nastiness, same with my nose. I thought it'd be over with by now, but nope, it's not! Two days ago, while at work, it became worse than it had been for the entire week. I had like a line of three customers in line, and all of a sudden, I couldn't breathe. like I had to focus on breathing to get anything in. and then I like started crying. Well, it was me,but it wasn't me? I didn't mean to start crying, it just happened. and it wasn't because I was scared or in pain, it was just cause I wasn't breathing. And of course when that was happening, all the people in line were assholes expecting me to continue to work even though they could see I was having a lot of trouble. WHATEVER.

Eventually it went away.. And after that, it wasn't nearly as bad. I wasn't going to ask to go home. I need the hours. Plus working when you feel your worst shows that you're dedicated to your job.. At least I think so.

Um, I'm a little upset with my bank at the moment.
APPARENTLY, I left my ID there over a week ago, and I didn't know where I had lost it. I had waited almost a week for it to show up, and nothing. so I decided to go to the dmv and get a new one for 15 dollars because I need one really soon for something that's NONAYOBUSINESS. and OF COURSE, the day after I pay 15 dollars for a new id, the bank calls home and says I left my id there. Why the fuck did they wait so long to call. Waste of fifteen dollars.

Here's a picture of a rose in my front yard.


Friday, October 3, 2008

I got caught on blogspot

Gee, thanks for tagging me, Melanie.
You should know by now that there's nothing interesting about me.
No quirks.

But I'm gonna try to come up with stuff.

Here are the rules:
1. Link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules on your blog.
3. Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them.
5. Leave a comment for each tagged blogger to let them know they've been tagged.

My 6 Quirks... I think these are quirks?

1. I loveeeee COLD diet coke and bottled water.

2. I hiccup daily.

3. I act differently around different people. I have completely different personalities.

4. sometimes I think it's funny to piss people off..

5. A lot of times when I'm bored, I'll pretend to play The Office on piano with my right hand on hard surfaces.. If you've seen Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium, then you may just know what I'm talking about.

6. I make music in my head a lot, especially when I'm trying to sleep at night.

now I need six people to nominate.. oh dear..

1. Nina
2. ANN (ps. annaroo. I hope I'm not the one on your blog who's annoying you.)

guys, if you dont' want to do this, don't do this.

Now I have to go search the internet so i can find all your urlz.

(it took me a little over a day to come up with six quirks of mine. that's why it says I posted this yesterday.. I started working on it yesterday at whatever time this blog says..)

Monday, September 29, 2008

PETCO Is Testing Me

So, as most of you already know; I'm working at PETCO (not Petsmart, Kara).
I like working there. I've been over that already, though. That's not what I'm blogging about.

What I'm gonna write about, this time, is my hours. My hours change around all the time. But normally in a way that makes it so I have very little sleep in between shifts. I'll be scheduled from about 4/5 PM to close (closing is 10/11 PM depending on the day), then they schedule me to work the next morning at 8 or 9 and I get off at 4/5. So I usually end up having little sleep, or, I get home right after work that night, go to sleep instantly, which is impossible for me without the help of some amazing over-the-counter drugs, such as advil pm, nyquil, and stuff like that. But, even those take at least an hour at least to start working, so I still can't fall asleep right when I get home.

There are only two reasons that I can come up with to explain why they give me these awkward, tiring hours, and they are:

1. They're trying to see how reliable I am, and how committed I am to my job.
2. They just have random open spots everyday and need someone to take them, and since I'm the newest employee there, I'm the one who gets these hours.

But you know what? Every single hour counts. I know that I'm lucky to have even been hired there in the first place. I'm just hoping that after I've been working there for a little bit longer, maybe they'll start giving me normal shifts, like most the other employees there already have. Until then though, I will do my best to get enough sleep at night so I can be all energized while I'm there. Boy oh boy, if only a battery could charge me.

....and by the way.
ha, I can't believe I'm writing this. I really can't.
It's stupid posting this on the internet, I know.
There's this silly boy who works at the store. and I think he's adorable.
I'm sure he's at least 24.
Of course, I can never like anyone who's near my age. But I'm fine with that.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Goodbye, Blackie

Today while at work, I guess Blackie (the oldest dog in our house, he was at least 8 years) was having troubles with his arthritis. We've been talking about putting him down for the past week. We were planning on doing all that after Daniel had gone to Korea for the National Guard, but that didn't happen. They decided to put him down today cause it was really bad. He was laying down all day, just whining. He wasn't moving or anything, he was just in pain. So Dan (not Daniel, Dan is Daniels father) took him to the vet and had him put down. I wish I could've had a warning just so I could've spoiled him like crazy before he was put down.

Oh well, I can't change that now.

RIP, Blackie.
You weren't the best dog, but you weren't the worst.

To lighten the mood of this sad, sad, blog,
here's a picture of Brownie from yesterday in the rain

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Here Ya Go

Pictures of the puppies.

I'll get better ones soon. I just took these today, inside the house, cause I realized I haven't taken pictures of em for a while.

My camera sucks at photo taking indoors.

Blogging Off, Again.

Hello one and all (and by that I mean hello, Melanie, Jenna and myself, cause we all know we're the only ones who reads this boring blog)

I decided to start blogging again.
I'm not going to be writing everyday or anything like that, but I'm also not going to go months without posting anything. I just thought it'd be fun to keep myself informed on what's going on in my life.

Yes, I really mean that. I like finding out about what's going on in my life by reading my blog.

So here it goes!

Working at Petco is a blast,
I'm surrounded by animals and animal-lovers all day long. It's awesome. My coworkers are all great people. They're funny and really helpful. Speaking of animals, I just spent about five minutes in a circle with Candis, Michael, Katrina and Vesse to say goodbye to one of our pups, Little Missy. We found her a home, and she's leaving as I'm typing this.

We have three puppies left now, Suki (she's Michaels, he just can't take her yet), Brownie (we're keeping him) and Koala (we're also keeping him)

they're adorable. All four of them. I'm gonna miss the ones thatare leaving.

Well, that's all for now! I'm going to go upstairs and rewatch Gossip Girl and Heroes.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I never blogged about Warped.

Holy BOOP, I never blogged about warped..


so me and ann met up in wawawashington, we drove to boiboiboise, we met up with melanie and lauralee, we checked out our hotel. We went on the rk boards. me and ann left and picked up kara, we went back to the hotel. then explored the area a little, we went to walmart and stuff like that. then it was time to sleep. then the next morning, everyone is awake except me. I start getting ready, find out that Warne is in our hotel. I think they're trying to trick me, so I finish up quick and go down to the lobby. He's really there. They were telling me the truth. It was awkward. So then I went and got my bags out of the room, put em in the car, then we went up to Warner in the laundry mat, and I asked him to hold a sign that said color k, cause I'm all about that self-promotion. Went in line for warped. HOT AS FUCK. Melanie waited in line for me and ann. ann and I went back to the hotel lobby for cool air, (and for me; apples!) Got front row for relient k and a few other bands. Got beer spit on my by a band dude. Ew, no thanks. Waited in line for rk's kia tent signing thing (that I told myself I wasn't gonna go to) and missed most of say anything, but I was quietly singing along while laying down in line. Talked to rk, awkwardness. They made me nervous, as always. But this time was the worst. I gave them riddles and dumbos, they all said, oh, thanks! It was obvious that they didn't get it, but I kept saying to Kara "they dont care". That was not necessarily true, but they did NOT get it. got kicked out of line. Waited outside, got to go back in (all the people I'm with have connections. I'm learning from the best.) Got to talk to them all by ourselves. Matt chewed me out for assuming they didn't care, when they just didn't get it. Got them all to do color k signs. I told matt he's too tall to hug, and he told me that I just hug wrong, which was true, I didn't fully hug him, it seemed kinda weird. Then I had to rehug him "properly" because I think he was trying to prove that if you hug properly then no one is too tall to hug. It was awkward, but nice I guess. Said bye bye bye to the guys guys guys. Walked around, alone. Ran into FREDDO, right after I had given up on looking for him. We nearly ran into each other, and both of us were like "HEY, it's you!" So we talked, about elia, about where he's playing, where I'm going, about color k, and most importantly, about how he wants to tour with Relient K badly. Awww, maybe someday, Fred.. Left, walked around. Went to the rk merch tent, where kara was selling stuff. Laid down there because I felt so sick. Left warped really early because I was terribly sick. I think it's cause I only ate an apple and I didn't have enough water. I missed Fred. I felt bad. Oh and I talked to PJ (he used to be in tcf, he's now in Charlotte Somtimes) and I told him I'd buy his cd later, cause he had to get it out of the van. But since I left, there was no way I was gonna get it. I felt bad. We ended up staying another night at the same hotel. We slept. We woke up WAY too early, and started heading out to WASHINGTONNNN.

NEXT DAY (Geore, Washington)
I slept in the car the entire time.
I got ready in a Walmart bathroom. We got to Warped. It was my day to sell Merch. I called tyler, and he said he'd be there soon to let me in early to help set up the tent. That took him forever. I got in eventually, I tried to set up everything. and then I started selling stuff. It was a blast. honestly I loved it. Watched Freddo on stage. That was fun. Got some ok pictures of him. Went back to the merch tent. Then went and helped John (Blood Water Mission dude) with his BWM stuff at the kia tent. Said hi to the guys for a brief moment. Nearly pissed Thiessen off. Oops. Said bye, went back to the merch stuff. Later, I walked to the mainstage, went on, watched Say Anything from behind them. They were good, no surprise. Ran out of batteries, ran back to the tent to get more for my camera. ran back, managed to catch their last song. Left to the tent again. Then went back for rk. Couldn't get on stage now. Fast walked to the table, told John, he walked me over, and made sure I got on, and told the rk guitar tech I'm with him. I said hi to Bri. then watched rk and tried to get pictures. There was sooo many people. It was insane. Took a video during Who I Am Hates Who I've been. Almost got kicked off stage with everyone else in the middle of the video,but I got to stay on cause I was "with the guitar tech". Then I went back to the merch tent. sold more stuff with ann, kara, tyler and john. then later took it all down. Then got sad, cause there was only one day left. Then we were headed out to Oregon. That's where my Sam-Sam resides.

DAY THREE (Oregon)
We got there. Relient K was first to play. We ran to the stage. I texted Sammie. She showed up like five minutes before they were on. Relient K came on. I made silly hand motions and stuff along to their songs. It was so lame, but it was the most fun I had during any of their shows. Hoopes winked at me when he came out and said "I know you!" that was cool. Show was sooo fun. When it was over me and sammie walked around. I gave her my vip pass to wear. but then we ended up switching. I gave her the bracelet, and I kept the pass that goes around the neck. We talked to rk at the kia tent. I was so sad. It was the last lday. But this time I really got to talk to a fwe of them way more. Except matt. He was in a hurry and he seemed grumpy. I had a nice talk with Warner, about his wife, who I ran into a few times and chatted with. We were talking about how we both like her. Crazy, right? Obviously I like her way more. hahaa I got a picture with each of them. I talked to Ethan, said something stupid. He had a guitar pick, and I asked him why he had a guitar pick. He said I mostly play guitar. I knew that, I just spaced, cause I had just watched him playing drums. ummm... then that was over, and me and sammie walked around by the buses. We walked by the rk bus I guess, and Hoopes and Jon were walking around. Jon starting walking up to us asked and said whats up. That was weird. I didn't completely stop to talk cause I thought it'd be awkward, I just said "nothing, just walking around." then kept going. haha. Then later me and sammie watched fred, this time in the crowd.. I left halfway though, cause I had just watched his set yesterday, and I really wanted to be at the merch tent. I had a lot of fun that day, I really did. I was so sad when it was over. and I was miserable every time I thought about ann and kara being gone. They're so much fun. Warped was great. I miss it.

So, that's all I've got about Warped.

Now I'm gonna talk about what's going on this month.

I got a job at Petco, I love it. Yesterday I held a ferret, and someones puppy. It was tiny, and gray, and so young. It was adorable, like a little dog version of a koala. I wanted to keep it. I dreamed last night that petco fired me. That wasn't good.

My bosses seem to really like me, which is great. I'm actually good at my job for once, I owned the register within a day. I'm getting decent hours, now all I need is a decent pair of shoes that won't kill my feet.

Today is my brother wedding. It should be interesting. I'm mostly looking forward to the after-dinner.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Jesse Lacey Is The Man

The show was amazing.

I took a lot of pictures and videos..

I got to Seattle by 1:30. Sarah and I got to the venue around 2:00 and noticed no one was there. so we parked down the road and went walking. Then we (sorta) got lost. and by the time I got back there it was 4:40. and there was ten people in line ( :( ) AND it seemed as if every single on of them had friends who needed to cut. I was worried I wouldn't get front row. Luckily I got front row to the very left of the stage (whihc is a GREAT spot.) I had enough space to turn around and sit on stage and watch whenever I wanted during the show. So unlike most the kids, I didn't have to stand the entire time. :)


Brian Bonz was amazing. I wasn't surprised. I mean there must be a reason he was chosen to tour with jesse and kevin, right?

Kevin Devine came on early and played with Brian a little. I freaked out on the inside when I saw him. Not gonna lie about it. hahah. Then when it was Kevins time, he played a lot of awesome songs. Including Just Stay :)

I'm so happy he played it. I love that song.

Jesses' set was also fantastic. He even played a new song

and he played a lot of old songs too. :)

(it has been taking me FOREVER to post videos. Its like an hour per video. hahah

The entire show was great. Once Jesse was over, I went to the merch area to meet Kevin. I was worried about going up because I had given all my money to Sarah earlier, so I had nothing to buy. I went up to him and said something like "hi, is it ok that I'm over here? I don't have money to buy anything, I just wanted to get you to sign this and to say hi.." He said it was fine and he appreciated me coming over. or something like that. Then I told him how glad I was he played Just Stay cause I really wanted to see him play that live. Well he said something like that's good because you got to see it then.. So then Sarah and I left the venue, went outside and went to the side of the venue to see if anyone was waiting out by the back door and the van. NO ONE WAS. so I figured Jesse had already left.. so we started walking to the car, and I said something like "I can't believe I didn't meet Jesse.. I really wanted to meet him" then sarah said we could go back and wait just in case. because if he is still there I could meet him.

We turned around and went back and waited by the dumpsters, the van, and the backdoor. Jesse came out about 20 minutes later. but he was busy doing stuff, so I didn't say anything. while waiting we met this other girl (the only other person waiting) and she told me that he was gonna tell her the set times after the show..

So while jesse was loading stuff into the car and whatnot, we just stood there and stared. We didn't want to interupt him. haha. Then, he went back inside. and he stayed there for like 30 minutes. We were both really upset we hadn't said something while he was out, and said next time we're saying something even if he looks busy. So he came back out.. Those thirty minutes felt so long. and he was talking to Brian and Kevin and a few other people because they were planning on hurrying to a movie theater to see the batman movie that starts at 12. me and the girl (her name is myra) went up to him. I asked him to sign my ticket. He did. then I asked him if there was a name for the new song he played. He told me that it isn't exactly a song, but more of an idea, and that it doesn't have a name. Then Myra was explaining to jesse and the guys that parking would be a total bitch and it'd probably be impossible.. after that myra said to jesse that it was great to see him and she'd see him tomorrow (lucky), and she gave him a hug (she kept telling me she didn't want to leave until she got a hug), then I said the show was great and it was nice meeting him and then I hugged him too. Then I left.


I left so much stuff out.

Like losing sarahs car, and getting sun screen, and driving myra home.

I just don't want to have to type all of it.

anyways, the show was AMAZING.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Two Days

On July 17th, 2008 I will be heading on out to good ol' Seattle to see one of the greatest men ever born. A man who knows that Mics are for singing, NOT swinging. A man that will stay 18 forever. A man who kills me with his voice. A man who I steal lines from constantly (see my blogs' page title). A man that I'd die for in an instant.

Who is this man that I speak so highly of?


This is one person that I will not hate even if he is in fact, a total ass. I hear that he does not like to sign things, or take pictures, but I'm gonna try to get something out of him anyway. haha if he says no though, I'm not gonna keep asking. That's just tacky, and desperate.

I'm so excited for this. Never in my life did I think I'd get a chance to meet him, and now I will.. AWESOME!

Also, Kevin Devine is gonna be at the show. (It's a Jesse Lacey/Kevin Devine tour) I really like this guy, too. Just not like I like Jesse. haha
I've recently started to fall hard for his music. It is pretty great stuff. My current favorite of his would have to be "Just Stay." And if he doesn't play it at the show, that may be the exact opposite of what I'll be doing.


This show is going to be amazing. I'm sure I'll blog about the show after it happens. So stay tuned, k? :)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Almost halfway there

By the end of this quarter, I will have 39 of my 90 required credits needed to get my AA Degree. I'm pretty stoked. Partly because I'm still in high school and not even 18 yet. At the same time, though, it kinda bums me out. I could've already had all my 90 credits if I hadn't been so lazy during the past two years. Starting Fall quarter I'm going to start full time college instead of part time. Meaning I should have my AA by this time next year, unless I flunk out of school, or die, or anything like that.

Oh the possibilities..

Thursday, May 8, 2008

My weeks are so repetitive

which is why I usually don't blog.

Who wants to read the same thing over and over again? Not me.

This week was different. There have been a few strange and very random things to happen, which makes this week different from all the other ones in my opinion. So I think I'm gonna actually blog about them..

About a week ago my I decided I should start taking my dogs for walks again because I'm approaching obesity and I need to prevent that from happening. While me and the home dogs were walking back home the other day, a bunny ran ahead of us and dove into the bushes.. It was cute. I want a bunny..

Then yesterday while walking the dogs again, I was in a great mood, and I kept singing along to the songs on my ipod without worrying of someone else walking by hearing me, I also kept randomly hopping, skipping, etc... it seemed like every time I would do something stupid I'd turn around and see a car behind me.. Perfect timing, right? Whenever I wasn't doing anything that made me look like I was retarded there would be no cars, go figure.

Today when I got on a bus, a man or woman (not sure which one of them actually did it) accidentally spilled a can of beer all over the floor, it reeked! It filled the entire bus with the stench of cheap beer. They cleaned it up as much as they could with napkins, but all it really did was prevent my shoes from soaking up the beer.. The smell was still as strong as it was when it first spilled. I was certain that I would have the distinct smell of beer on me for the rest of the day. Luckily I didn't.. At the time, I was tempted to pour my vitamin water on the ground to counteract the nasty smell.. It's simple math really; if you mix a very good smell with a very bad smell odds are you'll get a neutral smell.. I didn't want to waste my yummy beverage though, so I just dealt with the smell for an hour or so until I got to school..

My computer broke at most a week ago.. It just wouldn't turn on, no matter what I did, but for some reason I didn't get all upset like I usually do. I knew it would come back to me eventually, it's done what it was doing a few times before and eventually it'd work fine for me again.. I figured out why today.. I was starting to get fed up with waiting for it to heal itself, so I took it apart and while observing its' intestines I noticed there was an unbearable amount of dust in it, so I cleaned out as much of it as I could, then decided to go plug it in and see what would happen.. It turned on! I did that a few months ago too when it had this problem, but I didn't think it was actually me who fixed it, I figured it was good timing or something.. But I guess I did fix it last time. Awesome.

Well, while my computer was down, and since Candis had a falling out with the family, I took it upon myself to claim ownership over her computer since she obviously wasn't here to properly turn the power on, and put it in hibernate mode, and browse the internet and all that junk.. A computer has needs. Without these things there's no possible way for them to survive. I think what I was doing for her was a favor, I wasn't just taking advantage of her being gone.. I found out today that she's actually coming back home tonight at 10, which had me a bit frightened cause then I'd be down another computer and I'd have no one elses to take (care of). That news is actually what motivated me to take apart my computer. Hallelujah.

Candis's computer wasn't the only thing I claimed this week. Daniel left about four days ago and he doesn't return until the 10th, he went on a road trip to CA with his buddies since he leaves in a week or two for the National Guard. I took his bed cause I can't stand sharing a room with Trent, he's the smelliest kid in the world, I tell you.. It kills me. I can barely breathe when he's in the same room as me.. He has gas issues and sweating issues and bathing issues.. It's horrible, you should feel bad for me, it really does kill me. At about 11 or so a few nights ago, I walked in my room (which is also trents room if you didn't get that the first time..) and I nearly screamed. It smelled HORRIBLE (worse than the bus this morning.. way worse) I held my breathe while I was in there and decided there was no way I was gonna deal with this all night while there was a perfectly good bed and television just outside my room that I could take..So I grabbed my blanket, stuffed animal, and pillow and put them on Daniels bed, and that has where I have slept for the past two nights. I will be sleeping there until Daniel returns.. Truth be told, I can barely wait until he's gone.. I am taking his bed and television and whatever else I want.. Of course I hope nothing bad happens while he's serving in the NG, I just hope he does his time there and doesn't come home within the next year, it's peaceful with him gone.. now all we need to do is give Candis the boot and things should be divine around here.. Less fighting between the guardians, less sibling rivalry, less people to take up space in the house. It has been great this week since Candis and Daniel have both been gone at the same time, that kind of thing never, and I mean NEVER happens.. It breaks my little heart to know that they'll both be back in a few days. They are the main conflict in the house.

ha. Great week.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Usually you put these in bulletins.

but I needed a new blog post so here goes nothing.

60 Things You Can't Possibly Know About Me

What is in the back seat of your car right now?
I don't even have a car, dammit.

When was the last time you threw up?
no clue.

What's your favorite word or phrase?
I love saying "buddy"

Name 3 people who made you smile today?
Nina (Especially for saying I made her smile), Sammie (as always), and um.. I don't know.. I'm sure Kyle said something funny that made me smile that I just don't remember.

What were you doing at 8 am this morning?

What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
aiming it up with cool kids.

Favorite board game?
hmm.. mouse trap I think.. or monopoly..

What is the last thing you said aloud?
"I don't know.."

What is the best ice cream flavor?
cookie dough.

What was the last thing you had to drink?
Diet Pepsi.. it's all we have right now. :(
I want my Diet Coke.

What are you wearing right now?
tbs shirt, blue sweats.

What was the last thing you ate?
grilled cheese sandwich with a fake chicken patty in it.

Have you bought any new clothing items this week?

When was the last time you ran?
this morning. haha it was only like 200 feet, I was just playing with my dog.

What's the last sporting event you watched?
no idea.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Who is the last person you sent a comment/message on myspace?

Ever go camping?
Every summer up until I was 13..

Do you have a tan?
I never do..

Have you ever lost anything down a toilet?
just my dreams..

What is your guilty pleasure?
Michael. :)

Do you use smiley faces on the computer a lot?
too much.

Do you drink your soda from a straw?
when I can, I do.

What did your last text message say?
"New profile comment from "celeste" yada yada yada blah blah."

Are you someone's best friend?
I'm my own bff.

What are you doing tomorrow?
Great question.

Where is your mom right now?
At her house, most likely sleeping..

Look to your left, what do you see?
what don't I see, really?

What color is your watch?
don't have any I use.

What do you think of when you think of Australia?
accents that you can't help but fall in love with.

Ever ridden on a roller coaster?

Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru?
drive thru usually.

Do you have any friends on myspace that you actually hate?

Do you have a dog?
yes, she's amazing.

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

Have you met anyone famous?
define famous.

Any plans today?
Yes. Bed. Mmmmm..

Are you happy?
content is what I am.

Where are you right now?
in my room.

Biggest annoyance in your life right now?
body odor.

Last song listened to?
Sweetness - JEW

Last movie you saw?
The Pledge, it's pretty damn good.

Are you allergic to anything?
used to be allergic to sunny d. I drank it anyway.

Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time?
hahaha this is embarrassing.
I have this pair of hideous nikes that are so ugly, but SO comfortable. I wear them all the time.. Plus I rarely have to tie them, which is a major bonus. I wait last minute to put on shoes, so I never have time to tie them.

Are you jealous of anyone?

Are you married?

Is anyone jealous of you?
there's no reason to be jealous of a self-hating person like me.
so, no.

Do any of your friends have children?

Do you eat healthy?
I should, since I'm obese.

What do you usually do during the day?
internet, check what's on my dvr.

Do you hate anyone right now?

Do you use the word 'hello' daily?

How many kids do you want when you're older?
one or none. ha. and if I do have a kid, he'd be adopted.

How old will you be turning on your next birthday?


Sunday, April 6, 2008

I posted a poll

I think you should vote..


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hi, I love you

I hope you have the best Easter experience ever today.

This is my favorite Holiday, and even though there's going to be a lack of Church, bunnies and fake eggs for me this year, I'm gonna try to make the best of it. I hope you do too.

Have a happy Easter.

B. Rabbit and B. Everett

P.S. I mean what I said in the title.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

You were probably not as bad as I thought that you were being.

hmm.. not too much has happened lately. I've been happy a lot, and sad a little bit more. I've been insanely ungrateful, and I've been really appreciative too. My moods have been all over the board for the past couple of weeks. I don't know what is happening, but I hope it stops, soon. I generally prefer to be happy.

I went to a TCF show last week. It was nice to see Fred again. I was going to blog about the show, like usual. but I'm not sure if I'll post it, because my story is nothing compared to a lot of my friends stories. So there's really no point. haha I'll state a couple of the very few highlights of the day/night:

  • I gave Fred Five Score and when he read the cd he said "Awww it's your favorite band!"
  • For a huge portion of his set he was only singing to me and Sammie
  • I got Ace Enders to sign a picture of Michael Cerra..
  • At first, Ace and his wife thought the picture was actually of him, and they didn't remember it.
  • Fred said I'm one of his most known fans or something, and that he's been to my myspace page before and that's how he knew rk was my favorite band.
  • I got to hang out with Sammie for hours.
  • Fred loves Arrested Development, too.
  • Fred said people have different types of sense of humor, and my mom thought he meant she just wasn't funny.. she took offense to it.
  • I had Fred put on a bunny puppet/glove I brought to the show.
ok, there you go.

Relient K had five shows in the past week.
I didn't go to a single one, but for four out of the five, someone I knew went, and told me about it.. so I don't feel like I was missing out all that much. They all came back with amazing stories, and I'm happy about that. Not at all jealous like so many others are..

The lovely Nina went to the show tonight in PA in and the night before in OH, and last night she had Thiessen say howdy-doo-daa-day to me in a video.. What he said made me really curious..

What could he possibly be talking about? Why does he think it'll be a big deal to me? April, Kelly, and Ryne all know what he means.. They can't tell me though, cause it might be a secret. I'm going insane not knowing. haha 18 days until I find out for sure.. that isn't that long.. not really..

It has nothing to do with me, they just all think it's something that I'd freak out over...

hmm.. :/

That's all that has happened lately.

I'm missing Manchester Orchestra with Weatherbox and Say Anything in Seattle in a few days.. So that's what will be happening soon. boo-hoo..

If something else pops up anytime in the near future I'll be sure to say something.

Thanks for reading, crazy.


Friday, February 22, 2008

Blog on blogging

I'm am a horrible blogger. Don't act like you didn't know. I can never seem to blog the right way. You didn't know there was a correct way to blog, did you? Well believe me, there's a right way and there's a wrong way. Most people who blog don't know this because they are natural born bloggers. They've never had trouble with knowing what to post about. Well I'm not that way, there's never anything for me to blog about. I'm surprised I've even had one blog comment actually..

Nothing I write is ever worth reading.
Nothing I say is ever worth actually listening to.
but for some reason I keep on typing, and I keep on talking too.
Even I don't get this, I just know what I do.

I am a boring person with few friends, and no life.

Blogs were not intended to be used by the people like me.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Careful, You May Be Over-Caring

It's sad, I realized this a long time ago, but I usually forget and don't think about it for a while, then I eventually remember again and question myself asking why I'm like this. I care about people, more than the regular care that most humans have. I am big a big supporter of the equalitiy factor. I get so irritated when things aren't fair or balanced, and if you read my last blog you probably figured that out on your own. It's a good thing I'm not the star of some heroic movie or anything, because this trait of mine would probably be what leads to my downfall.. I guess you could say that it's my Achilles heel, or would be... I'm treated unfairly all the time, and I know how horrible it feels. So whenever I can help it, I try to make things fair for everyone else. Most people are so busy thinking about themselves that they don't even notice the things that are going on with others. I'm the complete opposite, I notice everything that goes on around me, I'm usually more focused on others than I am on myself.. I'm sorry, but I don't have an example for you at this time, but I'm sure you all know what I mean.

I'm volunteering tomorrow at Cottesmore of Life Care, it may just be my last day there, I'm currently at 25 hours, I need 30 for my class. I actually enjoy volunteering there. I may keep coming back even after my hours are up. Some of the residents there LOVE seeing young faces, it means the world to them to have someone to talk to. It's sad how many times they get neglected by their families.. It's like they get put in these life care homes so their kids don't have to take care of them or ever see them again except maybe at their funerals. You know, you should volunteer sometime, somewhere, if you don't already, it usually can make a difference, and it might make you feel better about yourself for helping someone other than yourself.. :)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

This Is How I Know I'm Nothing

Today I went to target, to return some shitty (yes, I said shitty, I can say whatever I want on MY blog) jackets I got for Christmas that I've been wanting to return since I saw them.. Tanya was going to target to get Katrina and Trent new shoes, so I thought that would be the perfect time to finally return them since the last time I tried their computers were down at all the target stores North America.. Of course Tanya doesn't even think that I would need new shoes too (I don't like target shoes anyway), I would just like to be asked if I needed any.. I haven't gotten shoes in months, but of course, I don't matter. After they got their shoes, and I returned the jackets, Tanya said she has 13 dollars of change and asked if we'd want to go get some french fries. I screamed yes since I hadn't eaten since 11 A.M. and it was now 6 P.M. They all looked at me and I said quietly 'I mean, yeah sure..' when she pulled up to the drive-thru she ordered 3 small french fries and 3 cheeseburgers, one with nothing on it.. I first thought that was a little odd, and wondered if two of those cheeseburgers were for Katrina and Trent.. I thought we were all just getting fries..? We pulled up to pay the seven dollars or so, and Tanya gets 6 one-dollar-bills back and some change and hands me two one-dollar-bills and 40 cents, and Katrina four dollars.. First off, I have to ride the bus to school and back tomorrow. That will cost two dollars alone since I only have dollar bills and they don't break change.. Katrina has no bus fees.. She goes to high school.. I leave home at 9 in the morning, and don't usually get home until 8 or 9 at night, and we have nothing for me to take to school for lunch because I'm a vegetarian and all my food has to be frozen and microwaved, so I can't bring that for lunch at school.. What I don't get is why she gives Katrina more money than me, let alone money at all! When I went to that high school she made me eat the cafeteria food, but of course Katrina, the perfect daughter (who lies all the time about everything but never gets caught by anyone besides me) gets to have meals that aren't total shit because she says she doesn't like the cafeteria food and she stays after for cheer practice or a football/basketball game. All of this ran through my mind before we got to the next window where we get our food. Once we got the food, Tanya started handing out their cheeseburgers, then the small fries.. so Trent and Katrina each got a cheeseburger and a small fry, and I get just a small fry..nothing else. She couldn't get me medium sized fries so I could actually get full from it and not be hungry again by the time we got home, or get me a drink, I just got the small french fries.. Then they wonder the entire way home why I look upset and haven't had a single bit of my food.. Hmm.. Maybe if these kinds of things didn't happen to me every single day with each and everyone one of them, I wouldn't let it get to me as much..

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Don't you come near me

I had to read an essay called "Behind The Formaldehyde Curtain" for my english class, and it made me come to a certain conclusion...

When I die, I either want to be cremated,
or go straight to my bloody coffin the moment I'm dead.
no Embalming for me, thank you..

So if I die anytime in the near future, before I have a will written out..
make sure whoever it is who's dealing with my death and burial, knows that I don't want those damn people who 'makeover the dead' anywhere near me.

The essay is pretty good.
I was amazed that it was a woman who wrote it. haha.


I forgot to add that it's illegal in the U.S. to not be embalmed, unless you are cremated within I believe it was 48 hours of dying.. Meaning I have to die out of the country.. Or be burned to ashes a day after dying. :D

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Dave Douglas

is amazing..

Even though I made a goal for 2008 to not miss Dave anymore, I still miss him.. just thinking about all the future shows rk will have without him makes me bummed out.

oh well, maybe when Gypsy Parade posts new songs or starts touring I won't miss him as much..

eep, Dave kept the stuffed horse!
I'm so happy about that,

Friday, January 4, 2008

By defnition

ok, so I hate having to explain this all the time,
so I decided to wikipedia search "running start", and by golly it's on there!
so here it is.. Now whenever someone asks about how I started college at 16 I can just give them a link to wikipedia, or send them to this blog post..

I'm sick of people thinking I'm super genius or something,
thousands of kids in Washington do this.
It is pretty common here.
In my city alone there's 130 people in this program. (there's two schools in my city by the way..)

The Running Start program is an effort by the state of Washington to reward high-performing high school students by providing them with early admission to college.It is very similar to dual enrollment programs common at public and private colleges and universities in other states.

Piloted in the early 1990s and officially approved to begin in the fall of 1993, the Running Start program offers up to two years of paid tuition at any state-run community college or four-year university to students in their junior or senior year of high school. Juniors who can pass the entrance exam for a local community college may take part or all of their coursework at the community college. Their tuition is fully covered by the state, and successfully passing a course earns a student both high school and college credit for the course.

The system was designed to make it possible for a motivated high schooler to take all their classes for their final two years of high school at the community college: at the end of those two years, the student would have completed the necessary credits for high school graduation, as well as having completed the necessary college credits to receive an associate's degree. In practice, many students choose to take only a few classes at the college, partly because of the difficulty of college coursework, and partly to keep from missing out on the social life at high school. Students are only eligible to have 18 credits per quarter paid for, and they may only have tuition covered in the fall, winter, and spring quarters of their junior and senior years in high school.They may, however, attend during the summer quarter as long as they come up with their own sources of money for the tuition costs. In most cases, students are responsible for paying any fees, transportation, and book costs as well.

When the program first started it was greeted with some initial resistance at community colleges and universities by professors who feared they would be teaching to sixteen year olds who neither had the maturity nor academic discipline to excel at the college level. This skepticism was quieted at first due to the fact that most of the students participating during the first few years of the program tended to be among the top academically in their high schools and took the college courses very seriously since most were there to prepare for transfer to a four-year university.

[edit] Colleges

* Bates
* Bellevue Community College
* Bellingham
* Big Bend
* Cascadia
* Centralia
* Clark
* Clover Park
* Columbia Basin
* Edmonds
* Everett
* Grays Harbor
* Green River
* Highline
* Lake Washington
* Lower Columbia
* Olympic
* Peninsula
* Pierce Fort Steilacoom
* Pierce Puyallup
* Renton
* Seattle Central
* Seattle North
* Seattle South
* Seattle Voc Institute
* Shoreline
* Skagit Valley
* South Puget Sound
* Spokane
* Spokane Falls
* Tacoma
* Walla Walla
* Wenatchee Valley
* Whatcom Community College
* Yakima Valley